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Grow Your Business Through Diversity and Inclusion

Inclusion in Action

September 2021,September 2021,September 2021,September 2021

Driving inclusive business practices to engage and develop a sustainable
diverse independent agency network.


The Big "I" Diversity Council is pleased to present the second edition of Inclusion in Action. We look forward to keeping you informed on all things related to diversity and inclusion across the IA channel and beyond. Stay tuned as we highlight key events, webinars, agency best practice tools and more relating to diversity and inclusion. Be sure to subscribe here to ensure you continue to receive future editions. Also – we want to hear from YOU. Share your feedback here.

The Big "I" Diversity Council supports the Massachusetts Association of Independent Agents (MAIA) on this event bringing leaders together to learn and share key diversity best practices to enhance business growth!

How to Work with and Lead People Not Like You

It doesn’t matter where you live – demographics everywhere are changing quickly, and increasingly, you are working with people who are not like you. They may be of a different race or ethnicity, may not speak your language fluently, may come from different countries, cultures or backgrounds, may be LGBTQ, may be of a different generation or may simply have a different approach to work than you have. And demographics aren’t the only way we can be different from one another. Consider these diverse types of personalities and traits. Continued here.

Agent Profile: Berker Hazar

I am an agency owner like many of you. I am happily married with two young children. I am a millennial; I have two master's degrees and proudly serve in several volunteer positions, including the Board of Directors for Big "I" of Maryland. I am a proud American. I am also an immigrant. I came to the U.S. at the age of 21 and I am now living my American dream. I understand the importance of diversity and inclusion in the insurance industry and our workplace on a deeply personal level. Continued here.

The Big "I" Diversity Council is partnering with Big “I” Oklahoma to provide discounted registrations for MyNetwork's national women's mentoring program!
Invest Program Update

Invest provides numerous resources at no cost to teach insurance and career fundamentals in high schools and community colleges across the nation. The program offers textbooks (both hardcopy and eBook), detailed lesson plans, presentations, videos and quizzes that support traditional classroom learning. This fall, Invest has been working with many states to bring more insurance education programming to diverse schools via several exciting projects. Executive Director, Deborah Pickford continues update here.

Elevate Trilogy Part 3 Focuses on Workplace Culture

Agency Nation is happy to announce that Elevate 2021 Trilogy continues with their 3rd event, coming up on November 4th! This virtual event will focus on agency culture, diversity and inclusion, leadership, perpetuation, hybrid work environments, recruiting talent, and more! It is free for Big I Members and only $99 for non-members. More information available at the Elevate Conference website!

The Big "I" Diversity Council is pleased to support the Dive In Festival for Diversity & Inclusion in Insurance. This year's sessions are available on-demand for a limited time.
Tap into this agency toolkit on operational effectiveness, the carrier appointment process, employee productivity and goal setting. Available on-demand.
Learn about diversity and inclusion initiatives taking place across our Big "I" state associations here.
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2021 Big "I" Diversity Council

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