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Plug into the Power for the Independent Agent

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Plug into the Power of Big "I" Alliance

TFT Archives
Make the Most of Modular Design
What comes to mind when you think of Swedish furniture behemoth IKEA? Perhaps it's frustration (who hasn't spent hours more assembling a "simple" desk or table with that tiny Allen wrench?) or value (college students nationwide are preparing to spend the school year passing out on MINNESUNDs and MEISTERVIKs). Or perhaps you associate Ikea with their modular designs that allow consumers to mix and match sofa pieces, kitchen cupboards, shelving and more to create the right fit for their interiors.  The benefit of modular design is that you can create your own combination, and with insurance, a modular approach can save your client money, too. Learn More
ACORD Forms Partnership Announced
The Big "I" and ACORD, the global standards-setting body for the insurance industry, have announced a joint program to provide qualifying Big "I" members with a complimentary license to use ACORD Forms. The agreement goes into effect January 1, 2020. Learn More
Coalition Cyber Liability - More Than Just Data Breach Coverage
MYTH: My business does not need Cyber Liability or Data Breach coverage, we do not collect PHI/PII. FACT: Every business using an electronic device to conduct operations or is collecting PHI/PII needs Cyber Liability coverage.
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​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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