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Plug into the Power of Big "I" Alliance

TFT Archives
Bonds - Too Many Questions?
One of the most commonly asked questions Goldleaf Surety's team receives is, "Do you really need all that information?" The answer: YES.  Surety bonds are underwritten as an extension of credit, and the underwriting considerations are similar to those used by a banker in evaluating a customer. Learn More
The Importance of Mental Toughness
Running a small business is demanding - it comes with a considerable amount of risks and challenges to tackle. If that deal doesn't go through, where will the money come from?  One of the most important things your small business can do is hire top-performing salespeople. After all, your business would not exist if it weren't for your sales. In fact, 82% of businesses fail due to cash flow problems. In order to push your business to success, you must be able to hire and develop mentally tough sales professionals who can be effective even under the stressful, high-stake conditions of a small business. Learn More
Four New Surplus Lines Enhancements
Recent reporting shows that enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) can block up to 99.9% of automated cyber attacks. We are very excited to announce that Coalition is the first cyber insurer to further incentivize this essential security practice. For all Surplus Lines policies in-force as of 10/01/2019, Coalition will automatically add the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Retention Reduction endorsement effective 10/01/2019. This non-premium bearing endorsement will reward policyholders with a 50% reduction in retention (up to $10,000), if the policyholder has MFA enabled and requires MFA on business emails, but then suffers a funds transfer fraud, security failure or data breach event due to a business email compromise. Implementing MFA is easy and free. Learn More
Prepare for Horses and Natural Disasters
As we are preparing this newsletter Hurricane Dorian has just begun moving again after stalling to pummel the Bahamas for more than a day. While this has given more time for evacuation, not all storms or natural disasters move so slowly and that means plans and preparations need to be set up ahead of time. This is especially important when it comes to horses due to their size and specialized transportation requirements. You can't just put them in the back of the car and grab a bag of kibble as you could the family dog. Learn More
Insure Response Answers Calls For Big "I" Members
You're the boss…or are you? Independent insurance agents tend to have something in common: a sense of independence! They like to do things their way and enjoy the control over career and life that being an independent agent offers. Many agents will tell you that it was hard to get started and build their businesses, then over time the hard work paid off. But at some point, many say that they stopped running their business and it started running them! A frequent complaint is that agents can't find time for friends, family and "down time" because there are so many details that have to be handled. The customer demands just never stop. Does this sound familiar? Learn More
Don't Play Lost Luggage Roulette
A man sued the airline after it lost his luggage. Sadly, he lost his case. Sorry if I made you groan but lost luggage is no joke. A missing bag can ruin a vacation or business trip even if it shows up later. How many proposals (wedding & business) have been delayed or lost when the checked bag didn't drop onto the carousel? According to a 2018 report by SITA, a company that collects information for airlines, carriers mishandled 5.57 pieces of luggage for every 1,000 passengers worldwide in 2017. Over 4 billion passengers that's still more than 7 million lost bags per year. Big "I" Markets partner Travel Insured International has a highly informative blog post about protecting your luggage while traveling. Learn More
​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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