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Increase Cyber Liability Sales with Coalition’s Enhanced Resources
Coalition is unique in the cyber liability industry because they handle services in house--such as incident response and security tooling—which increases their ability to acquire significant amounts of data. Using this along with policyholder and market data, Coalition has enhanced two resources to help your clients understand their risk: Coalition Claims Calculator and Coalition Risk Assessment. Learn More
Floods After Wildfires: How One Hazard Follows Another
According to the Insurance Institute of Building and Home Safety (IBHS), the August 2020 Complex fire in northern California has burned more than one million acres, and California has seen more than four million acres burned this year. Every time I read about wildfires – such as the August Complex fire – in the news, I think of massive tracts of land and vegetation ablaze. I think of the roar of the fire and the snapping of branches. I think of exhausted firefighters battling unrelenting flames. I think of people displaced from their homes.

And then I think of the floods that could follow. Learn More
AIG Valuation Update
Due to the pandemic, per company guidelines, AIG is not allowed to visit homes to complete replacement value and loss prevention assessments at this time and is conducting virtual assessments.  As part of the virtual assessment, AIG researches whatever information may be found online for the residence, checking the local municipality Tax Assessor’s Office records, prior real estate listings, etc. If the broker has any prior inspections from other insurance carriers, that would also be helpful.  A conversation is then set with the insured to speak either by phone, or have a Zoom meeting, to discuss the history of the home, when constructed, year(s) of renovation of systems and possible additions.  The features, finishes, built-ins, appliances, loss control measures in place, etc. will also be discussed. AIG will also request that the insured forward photos of the front and back of the home, major rooms within the home, and any other pertinent features or mechanicals they feel important for documentation.

AIG will put together a document with all of the information compiled for both the underwriter and for the broker and insured. If more info is needed, or if the insured would like an on-site assessment once it is safe to do so, AIG can suspend a request to do so at a later date.

Here are some topics that arise often for you to review with your clients. Learn More
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​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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