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Plug into the Power for the Independent Agent

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Plug into the Power of Big "I" Alliance

TFT Archives
Unique Flood Tools Available for Agents
Big “I” Flood partner Selective offers you the tools needed to target new prospects and nurture your current customers, whether their property is in a high-risk flood area or rarely floods at all. These tools, combined with our superior service, dedicated underwriting teams, and in-house claims operation, help you show our mutual customers what it means to Be Uniquely Insured with a best-in-class insurance experience. Learn More


Free ACT Webinar - Less is More: An Agent's Guide to Technology
Now that remote working is here to stay, agents must adopt the tools necessary to function effectively in this new normal. Adopting technology can rid the burden of paper, give staff the information they need to be effective no matter where they are working, and connect agencies with insurer partners and insureds quickly and simply. Join ACT and ACT partner IVANS Insurance Solutions on Wednesday, March 3rd at 2:00 pm ET for a webinar that tackles this topic head on. Learn More
Full Coverage Doesn't Mean Fully Covered: What Your Customers Need to Know
Most motorists assume if they have full coverage on their vehicle, they’re fully covered.

That’s not always the case. Learn More
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Coalition’s Incident Response Time Reduces Claims and Costs
The amount of time to respond to a cyber threat can be the difference between a non-event or a compromise of your client’s entire network. Experts suggest IT and security professionals follow the “1-10-60” rule to successfully mitigate breaches before damage is caused to their network and organization – 1 minute to detect an incident, 10 minutes to investigate the legitimacy of the incident and determine next steps, and 60 minutes to remediate. Learn More


Big ‘I’ Employee Benefits: Disability Insurance Solutions
Your most important asset is not your car, house, boat or other possessions. It is your ability to earn an income.
An accident or illness that results in a long-term or permanent disability can prevent you from earning an income. While most people think it won't happen to them, statistics show that this isn't true. It is far more likely that your clients will suffer from a disability than be in an auto accident or have a house fire, according to the Commissioners Disability Table
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Non-standard Homeowners Solutions Offered
​Do you have clients that don't fit into your usual markets? Big “I" Markets has non-admitted solutions to meet your personal lines clients' needs! Learn More
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Travelers Knows Banks & Diversified Financial Institutions
The demands on a bank and bankers are complicated: ever-changing federal and state regulations, handling employees (EPLI, theft, etc.), loan servicing, trusts, property liability, electronic theft…the list goes on. Community Banks need coverages that can keep up with these diverse and changing responsibilities and Big "I" Markets partner Travelers® has been serving banks since 1890. Learn More


Join ACT Tomorrow for 'The Power of Your Customer’s Data' Webinar
Take 30 minutes out of your day tomorrow to take your customer data to a new level!

Join ACT and supporting ACT Member, Agentero for this FREE webinar:
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​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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​Empowering Trusted Choice®
Independent Insurance Agents.