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Plug into the Power of Big "I" Alliance

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Environmental Insurance Offers Opportunity for Organic Growth
Every commercial insurance agency has an untapped organic growth opportunity with its current customers in a line of insurance where 95% of the accounts that need the coverage are needlessly uninsured today. Half of the placements have material coverage flaws in the policies being sold to them within the 5% of commercial insurance clients that have the needed coverage in place. Engaging in a proven sales strategy on prospects in this line of business can be expected to generate an 80% closing rate on first-time buyers of the coverage and 90% retention rates on renewals. Every agency has many potential buyers in-house and hundreds of prospects in their current marketing range. Sound good? It should, because numbers like that are only achieved in rare circumstances. Learn More


Play Ball: Trusted Choice Partners with MLB
Trusted Choice is going big with a new national campaign, “Home Field Advantage," tying in with America's favorite pastime on the MLB Network. Hall of Fame former pitcher John Smoltz helps Trusted Choice bring the value of independent agents to life, highlighting the importance of the home field advantage in both baseball and insurance. Learn More
​Share Chubb Cold Weather Tips with Clients
Cool, crisp fall evenings are finally here for many, and that means it’s time for your clients to begin thinking about preparing their primary or seasonal home for colder weather. Regardless of whether a house is on the water, in the mountains, or in the city, the following tips provided by Big “I" Markets affluent carrier Chubb are great reminders for preparing for colder weather. Feel free to share them: Learn More
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​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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Independent Insurance Agents.