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Selective System Allows Proactive Quoting of 2.0
Risk Rating 2.0 is a new pricing methodology from FEMA for flood risk. It is designed to better reflect a property's unique flood risk while also making it easier to quote and bind a flood policy.

Throughout the transition to Risk Rating 2.0, Big “I" Flood partner Selective Flood has demonstrated its commitment to superior service, working hand-in-hand with Big "I" member agents to help ensure a smooth renewal transition for existing policies and accurate quoting and binding on new ones. As part of their continued leadership in this transition, Selective is now utilizing their state of the art flood system to make it easy for you to see if your current flood customers with policies rated in the legacy system would benefit from the new rates in 2.0. Learn More


Reasons ESOPs Are an Excellent Option for Succession Planning
Succession planning is vital to safeguarding an agency's legacy and preserving the industry via perpetuation. A recent article by Robert Pettinicchi, InsurBanc's EVP and Chief Lending Officer, discusses the five reasons ESOPs may work for your succession plan.  Learn More
It's Back-to-School Time! Educate Your Customers About an RLI Personal Umbrella Policy
The kids are headed back for another school year, and with that comes an increase in traffic on the roads – not only buses and cars, but bicycles and pedestrians as well.

If your clients are involved in an accident that results in serious injury or fatality, their existing auto and homeowners insurance may not be enough to cover a lawsuit or judgment. An RLI Personal Umbrella policy will substantially increase their overall liability coverage beyond the basics provided under their auto and homeowners insurance policies. Learn More
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​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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