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for the week of

Education + Analysis for the Independent Agent

Coronavirus and the CGL
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Does Business Income Respond?
Coronavirus and Workers’ Compensation
COVID-19: Lessons to be Learned in the 2020 ISO Emerging Issues Bracket Challenge
CGL Additional Insured and Insured Status Endorsement Changes
3 New Exciting Construction Risk Endorsements
The Anatomy of a Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement
Contractual Risk Transfer Can Take Over and Ruin Your Day
What Does an Agent Owe a Certificate Holder?
Who Is Liable When No One Is Driving?
The “Business Use” Exclusion in the Personal Auto Policy
Telematics: Big Brother in the Flesh
Marijuana in the US
Trailer-Related Liability Chart
Carrier Directives to Deny Claims​
Understanding Liquor Liability Coverage
Weird Legal Liability Theories You Probably Never Heard Of
Contractors Professional and Pollution Liability Coverage: A Gap-Filling Necessity!
Is Faulty Workmanship an "Occurance"?
Workers’ Compensation, COVID-19 and 3.A. States
COVID-19 and Commercial Property Vacancy Concerns
Coronavirus and Workers’ Compensation
3 New Exciting Construction Risk Endorsements
COVID-19: Lessons to be Learned in the 2020 ISO Emerging Issues Bracket Challenge
CGL Additional Insured and Insured Status Endorsement Changes
The Circular Relationship Between Contractual Risk Transfer, Insurance and Certificates of Insurance
Additional Insured Status and Self-Insured Retentions Revisited
​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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Independent Insurance Agents.