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Education + Analysis for the Independent Agent

Business Income * Business Auto * Homeowners' Insurance * Trends & Insights * Insurance Laws & Statutes/Coverage Resources * Answering Your FAQs
Business Income and Specialty Vehicles
An insured veterinarian generates 50-60% of her income from two specially-equipped mobile vet labs she uses on visits to area farms or clients who have acreage and horses. She has a need (as do her clients) for business income coverage if these vehicles are damaged away from the premises. Can this be done within the ISO commercial auto or commercial property programs?
Why “Pandemic” is NOT Excluded in the Business Income Policy
There doesn’t need to be a “pandemic” exclusion in the business income policy. The absence of the word or an exclusion containing the word does not change the facts of coverage.
Business Income – Coverage for Employee Payroll
Is employee payroll covered by the business income policy? One part of the contract seems to state that only the payroll of employees necessary to resume operations is covered. Is this the correct application of this wording?
BAP Coverage for Auto Hired with Driver
An event planner wants to expand his services to include hiring a shuttle van, shuttle bus, or limo as a part of a package deal when planning large events. The agent seems to remember that the ISO BAP excludes hiring an auto with a driver but can’t find any exclusions in the coverage form which address this exposure. Is he missing something?
Vicarious Liability for Employees: Are You Your Employees' Keeper?
With the mobility that technology offers in the form of cell phones, PDAs, and laptops, the ability to conduct business away from the traditional office has exposed employers to hazards not considered or dreamed of just a few years ago. Employers are subject to an ever-increasing chance of being held vicariously liable for the actions of their employees working outside of the traditional office.
Food Delivery and the Business Auto Policy
Thousands of restaurants engage in food delivery. This is, by no means, a new phenomenon. With that reality in mind, two questions arise: Is the restaurant covered for food delivery if it does NOT have a business auto policy; and how does a restaurant’s business auto policy respond to food delivery when they have the coverage?
Lawyers Are Reckless: Reasonable Recommendations Result in Uncovered Loss
No need to sugar-coat my opinion about lawyers. But, lest you think I’m just being mean, the crux of this article is that lawyers make reasonable and even good recommendations without knowing the insurance ramifications. An unfortunate loss situation is the basis for this article.
When Insurance Strikes (Out): Underestimating Replacement Cost
Underinsurance is still a problem. According to CoreLogic approximately 60 percent of homes are underinsured by 20 percent on average. Obviously, this leads to devastating results for the insured, and possibly the agent from an E&O perspective. We know this in the industry, but now the NY Times is reporting it – and they are making serious charges.
How Vacant is Vacant – But What if it’s NOT Vacant?
Vacant land, or what qualifies as vacant land, is a common question for the VU. Two recent “Ask an Expert” questions specific to vacant land indicated the need to address the question again.
Deleting a Car and Cancelling a Homeowners’ Policy
The client calls and tells you they have sold or traded in their car. Do you delete coverage that day? Be careful. What about if the insureds have sold their home? When is it proper to delete coverage?
Don’t Use That Kind of Language Around Me: Insurance Cuss Words
Recently I’ve noticed insurance practitioners doing a LOT of cussing. No, I don’t mean using the traditional words that got us in trouble as kids; I am referring to insurance cussing. Yes, there are certain words and phrases used by many insurance practitioners that should not be used in polite company, mainly because they are just plain inappropriate and DIRTY.
Why Ask the Underwriter?
When agents have coverage questions, they sometimes ask the underwriter for a coverage interpretation. Interested and concerned members of the VU faculty want to know why in the world you would ask the underwriter anything about coverage. Underwriters don’t make coverage determinations, adjusters do.
Workers’ Compensation Glossary
Chcek out this useful glossary of workers’ compensation terms.
Church-Owned, Pastor Insured: Is This Correct?
An agent asks: A vehicle is registered to a church that provides the vehicle to the senior pastor and his wife for their personal use. The vehicle is insured on the pastor's PAP and the church is not listed as an additional insured. The pastor and his wife use the vehicle mostly for their personal use but regularly drive it when handling business affairs of the church. What is the correct way to properly insure this risk?
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Alexandria VA 22314
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