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for the week of

Education + Analysis for the Independent Agent

Answering Your FAQs * Commercial General Liability * Condominium Issues * Commercial Property * Personal Auto Issues * Workers' Compensation * Insurance Laws and Statutes / Coverage Resources

* * * * Please note, Insurance Illustrated will not be published November 27, 2020. * * * *
What is Your Opinion of Agent Education?
A risk management student asks: What agent education options do you believe are best?
Discontinued Operations
This article is about the often misunderstood exposure of discontinued operations.
Understanding Products Liability and Product Warning Labels
"A traditional axiom of products liability law is that a manufacturer or supplier of goods has a duty to warn of any danger from the intended or unintended but reasonably foreseeable use of its products. This duty extends to those using or purchasing the product, as well as to those who could reasonably be expected to be harmed by its use.” But sometimes, manufacturers just go too far.
Commercial General Liability & Business Auto Policy Quiz
Test your knowledge of the CGL and BAP with this short 10-question quiz.
Cracking the Condominium Conundrum
How can a policy generating about $75 in revenue cost you $5,000, $10,000, or more? Believing that writing an HO-6 is quick and easy is the beginning of an E&O storm that can cost you thousands (your E&O deductible).
Lightning Learning: Condos - More Than a Box of Air, an Insurance Nightmare
Watch this on-demand three-part series of 20-minute webinars free of charge now through December 3.
Murals Revisited
If your client has a mural on the inside or outside of the building, how do you cover it? Is it covered by the property policy? Is there any special wording in the proprietary form that provides coverage? Many agents don’t consider insuring a mural, but it could be a very expensive exposure for your insured. This video session explores the coverage needs of a mural. This article is a follow up to the video presentation on murals.
How Many Different ‘Values’ Can Property Have?
Property can be assigned many “values” depending on the purpose of the valuation and who is valuing it. But insurance is concerned with only four options: actual cash value, replacement cost, functional replacement cost and market value.
Coverage for Interior Damage Caused by Hail
A large hailstorm and heavy rain resulted in substantial interior damage to a commercial building. Apparently hail stones clogged up the drains, causing the water to back up into the interior of the building, rather than the storm breaching the structure and allowing water to enter. Is this covered because “hail” was the proximate cause of loss under the Special Causes of Loss form?
Personal Lines Quiz
Test your knowledge of Personal Lines using this 10-question quiz.
Another Personal Auto Coverage Dilemma…Are You Up to the Task?
An ISO PAP is issued to mom and dad for 4 autos, 3 owned by dad and 1 owned by an adult son. Mom and dad drive 2 of the autos. The adult son that owns one of the autos drives it and lives in a separate household. The 4th auto is owned by dad but driven by another adult son who lives in his own, separate household. Are there any coverage problems?
Why Buy Auto Physical Damage Coverage?
Your insured declines to purchase physical damage coverage because his vehicle “isn’t worth much” and “I’m a good driver.” His vehicle is totaled by another vehicle whose insurer denies liability. What now?
Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Just the Flu and Pandemics: How Workers’ Compensation Responds
Threats of specific kinds of flu and pandemics garner heavy media attention. When any disease strain threatens a large geographic area, it gets lots of press as the next pandemic. When these stories begin airing, the question is often asked, “Is ‘the pandemic du jour’ compensable under workers’ compensation?” This article discusses what is required for an illness to be compensable under workers’ compensation.
Five Work Comp Errors Every Agent Makes
Workers’ compensation, from a coverage standpoint, is the simplest coverage to understand and even explain. However, statutes and common laws serve to complicate the initial simplicity of workers’ compensation and complexity breeds errors.
What Injuries are Covered (“Compensable”) Under Workers’ Compensation?
Only “occupational” injuries are covered by workers’ compensation. To be “occupational” and thus compensable, the injury must “arise out of and be in the course and scope of employment.” All three distinct tests must all be satisfied for the injury to be compensable.
Valued Policy State List
You can download this Valued Policy State list for easy reference.
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