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Education + Analysis for the Independent Agent

Special Feature - COVID-19 * Business Income * Homeowners' Insurance * Miscellaneous & Professional Liability * Insurance Laws and Statutes / Coverage Resources
One (or Two) Key Property Loss Provision(s) Attorneys Keep Forgetting
Plaintiff’s attorneys are looking for any and every means possible to trigger business income coverage from COVID-related shutdowns. One method is asserting that the presence of a virus on surfaces is like smoke damage and thus causes property damage. While admirable, this, too, is a fallacious article easily defeated by two loss conditions within the policy.
How Does the Business Income Policy Respond to a Concurrent Covered Loss?
An agent asks: Several of my clients’ have suffered damage as a result of the riots in the area. However, prior to the riots they were already closed as a result of state-wide COVID-19 closures. How will the business income policy respond? Will loss payment be affected by the previous closure order?
Extended Business Income
A Louisiana agent asks, “I am stumped on a couple of business income issues, and would appreciate your help.  First, I’m trying to figure out the difference between Extended Business Income, Extended Period of Indemnity, and Maximum Period of Indemnity.  Second, how do all these differ from ‘regular’ Business Income?  I realize these are probably pretty basic questions, so my apologies in advance.  I am still learning about Business Income.”
Business Income and Undeclared Buildings
The ISO CP 00 10 has a coverage gap for property in undeclared buildings that does not exist in their BOP. In this article, VU faculty member Mike Edwards explores whether the same CP gap exists for business income coverage.
Can You Share Any Homeowners' Insurance Comparison Charts?
An agent asks: We hired a new personal lines manager and realized we never developed any homeowners' charts; do you have any you can share?
Homeowners' Quiz
Test your knowledge of Homeowners' with this 17-question quiz.
HO Coverage for College Student Residing in an Apartment
Your insured’s 21 year old daughter is moving from a dorm to an apartment at college. She has been covered on your family HO and PUP policies but the underwriter now says she needs to get her own policies since she’ll be living off campus? Is that correct?
Executive Liability: Current Trends in D&O Liability and Insurance
Learn the current claims trends in D&O liability, where it's headed, trends in future claims, and the important D&O insurance coverage and policy wording issues.
Does Requiring Customers to Wear Masks Have Any Effect on Legal Liability?
States are in various stages of reopening following months of COVID-19 lock downs. As the states progress through the various levels, businesses are making key decisions regarding masks, should masks be required or optional? Some legislatures have taken the responsibility for this decision away from business owners and are requiring masks be worn; but other states leave the decision to the business owners.
3 Factors Negatively Impacting the Insurance Marketplace
Three distinct phenomena negatively impact the commercial and, to some extent, personal insurance marketplace: The Winner’s Curse, Submission Bias, and Overconfidence. These phenomena are explained in an international whitepaper titled, “Analyzing the Disconnect Between the Reinsurance Submission and Global Underwriter’s Needs.”
Legal Terms Every Agent Should Know
Because agents work in a contract-based industry subject to many legal concepts, understanding specific legal terms is necessary.
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