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Special Features * Business Auto * Business Income * Homeowners' Insurance * Insurance Laws & Statutes/Coverage Resources
A Year in Review: COVID-19 Business Interruption Coverage Disputes
March 13, 2021 marked one year to the day from when the COVID-19 pandemic was declared a national emergency in the United States. This IA Magazine article provides information about business interruption coverage disputes over the past year.
Take the Insurance Journal Vaccination Poll
Do you plan to be vaccinated? Insurance Journal has posted a poll to take the pulse of the industry. Take a few seconds and take the one-question poll.
“Workcation” and Work Comp
The employee decides to take his or her work “on the road” now that they are allowed to work from home – or anywhere. When the employee takes a “workcation” away from their residence, are any workers’ compensation issues created?
Changes to ISO’s Auto Dealer Coverage Form
Insurance Services Office (ISO) recently introduced several changes to its Auto Dealer Coverage Form (CA 00 25) with a November 2020 edition date and a proposed effective date of December 1, 2020. These changes are in response to changes in the business auto program, the general liability program and the dissolution of the garage program.
Changes to ISO’s Business Auto Coverage Form
Insurance Services Office (ISO) recently introduced several changes to the Business Auto Coverage Form (CA 00 01) with a November 2020 edition date and a proposed effective date of December 1, 2020.
“Leaseback” of a Personally-Owned Auto Done Right
Personally-owned autos belong on a personal auto policy (PAP), but occasionally a commercial insured intentionally or unintentionally includes one or several personally-owned auto(s) on its business auto policy (BAP). Commercial clients may do this for one of many reasons; but when a commercial client intentionally or unintentionally includes a personally-owned auto on the BAP, the agent must ascertain the legitimacy of the vehicle’s inclusion on the BAP. The primary goal of this article is to allow agents to answer the question, “When is the inclusion of a personally-owned auto on the BAP legitimate and proper?”
I Lost Income Because of _______; Do I Have Coverage?
Business income coverage responds only when certain conditions are met. Simply losing business income is not enough to trigger coverage. This article explores the conditions that must be met using a water contamination incident in Corpus Christi, TX as the backdrop.
Understanding the Difference Between Insurable and Compensable Business Income
Business income coverage is unique because the factors used in calculating the amount of protection the insured is required to purchase differ from the factors used when calculating the amount of compensation owed/paid following a business-closing loss. Because of the different calculation methods, there is a difference between “insurable” business income and “compensable” business income.
How Does the Business Income Policy Respond to a Concurrent Covered Loss?
An agent asks: Several of my clients’ have suffered damage as a result of the riots in the area. However, prior to the riots they were already closed as a result of state-wide COVID-19 closures. How will the business income policy respond? Will loss payment be affected by the previous closure order?
COVID-19: Are There Any Weird Homeowners’ Coverage Exposures?
Does having friends over during a state-mandated stay-at-home order create any insurance issues regarding COVID-19? What about when it’s over? These sound like weird questions. As weird as the questions sounds, the answer may be weirder.
Is There Trouble When Using Yelp (and ALL Other Social Media)?
When your insureds use Yelp, Twitter or even Facebook they open themselves up to charges of libel and defamation of character. Is your personal lines client protected? A Yelper is out $20,000 because of this problem.
Ordinance or Law for Your Homeowners’ Clients
Not to be overly dramatic, but ordinance or law is a very real personal lines exposure - often overlooked during the personal lines risk management and insurance planning process. Agents must explain the exposure, the coverage limits and the options. This article lays out the coverage, the problems and the options.
Eliot Spitzer, Bid Rigging, and Commission Disclosure Statements– Not to Dredge Up Old Pains
Eliot Spitzer, former New York Attorney General, sued Marsh & McLennan Cos. on October 14, 2004, for supposed bid rigging and other misdeeds and misinformation. This suit led to laws requiring insurance agents and brokers to disclose who they represent (the carrier or the insured), the sources of income, and sometimes the amount of income. Fifteen states currently have commission disclosure laws on the books possibly as an indirect result of Spitzer’s suit.
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