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Education + Analysis for the Independent Agent

Special Feature - Certificates of Insurance * Commercial General Liability * Condominium Issues * Commercial Property * Personal Auto Issues * Workers' Compensation * Insurance Laws & Statutes/Coverage Resources
Mistakes on Certificates Versus Clear Policy Language
Can information inadvertently left on a Certificate of Insurance limit the breadth of protection extended from the policy? The real question is, does a COI alter coverage?
Should Trade Names be Listed as Named Insureds on the CGL?
Should DBAs or T/As (trade names) be listed on the CGL? Do they have to be listed? Adjusters have told some agents that the misnaming of a trade name endangers coverage. This is not true! Find out why.
Lightning Learning: Cond​os - More Than a Box of Air, an Insurance Nightmare
Available free of charge now through August 5, 2021: This three-part series covers key information needed to write condos, provides key condo definitions, and explains who insures which property.
Murals Revisited
If your client has a mural on the inside or outside of the building, how do you cover it? Is it covered by the property policy? Is there any special wording in the proprietary form that provides coverage? Many agents don’t consider insuring a mural, but it could be a very expensive exposure for your insured. This video session explores the coverage needs of a mural. This article is a follow up to the video presentation on murals.
Does the PAP Cover Food Delivery?
For the personal auto insurance industry, food delivery is a big exposure. And because so many teenagers and even young adults deliver food as a primary or secondary source of income, agents are regularly asked if the PAP covers food delivery.  Does the PAP extend coverage for food delivery? Well, maybe! Like so many other insurance coverage questions, the answer depends on the coverage language of the individual policy and the specifics of the activity.
What Injuries are Covered (“Compensable”) Under Workers’ Compensation?
Only “occupational” injuries are covered by workers’ compensation. To be “occupational” and thus compensable, the injury must “arise out of and be in the course and scope of employment.” All three distinct tests must all be satisfied for the injury to be compensable.
Workers' Compensation and Illegal Aliens by State
This chart details workers' compensation and illegal alien statutes by state.
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Alexandria VA 22314
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fax: 703.683.7556

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