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Education + Analysis for the Independent Agent

Advantages of Big 'I' Membership * Business Income * Commercial General Liability * Commercial Property * Agency Management * Flood * Homeowners' Insurance * Insurance Laws & Statutes/Coverage Resources
Big ‘I’ Markets
Big 'I' Markets, featuring Big 'I' Eagle Agency, connects member agents with top tier insurance markets. More than 10,000 Big 'I' member agencies nationwide have looked to Big 'I' Markets to access our affluent homeowner and personal package programs, bonds of all types, commercial auto, commercial package policies, community bank package, cyber liability, flood insurance, habitational program, non-standard homeowner, real estate agents E&O, and more.
DBAs: Back Again, With a Not Necessarily Surprising Decision
Massachusetts highest court refuses to expand coverage beyond “DBA” in named insured, resulting in no coverage for $14m consent judgment in April 2022. Read on to learn more.
Contractors Professional and Pollution Liability Coverage: A Gap-Filling Necessity!
Contractors’ Professional and Pollution Liability is the contractor’s coverage solution. Often referred to as either the Contractors Pollution and Professional Insurance, the Contractor’s Protective Professional Indemnity coverage, or simply “CPPI,” this multi-peril form specifically addresses and closes the majority of pollution and professional liability coverage gaps resulting from the limited breadth of protection provided by the CGL Coverage Part A.
Understanding Liquor Liability Coverage
When anyone is injured by an intoxicated individual, attorneys typically seek to suck in as many parties as possible to secure payment for the injured party. Liquor liability insurance is designed to defend the insured against charges of negligent conduct related to the service of alcohol; and to indemnify or pay on behalf of the insured if they are ultimately found legally liable for the injury or damage.
The Commercial Insurance Vacancy Clause Important to Today’s Commercial Real Estate Owners
Work patterns since COVID-19 sent millions of workers home had a big impact on the commercial real estate market. And although JP Morgan predicts commercial real estate will come “bouncing back” in 2022, it’s a great time to remind your clients of the need to understand their commercial property policies’ vacancy clauses.
Coverage for Interior Damage Caused by Hail
A large hailstorm and heavy rain resulted in substantial interior damage to a commercial building. Apparently hail stones clogged up the drains, causing the water to back up into the interior of the building, rather than the storm breaching the structure and allowing water to enter. Is this covered because “hail” was the proximate cause of loss under the Special Causes of Loss form?
DO NOT Sign Lender-Supplied Private Flood Insurance Forms
Banks are required to accept private flood insurance as broad as the NFIP policy per the Biggert-Water Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012. The problem is, they want the AGENT to certify the flood policy meets the guidelines of the Act. No agent should ever certify something the banks are required to certify. This article explains why.
Read the Policy You're Selling
This may be the most important coverage article you read this year. It may be the most important coverage article you’ve ever read. Please read it. And please have your colleagues read it. If you work in an agency, send a link to the article to your underwriters, marketing reps, and claims people. RTFA…Read The Article!
What Agents Need to Know About the New Flood Rating (Risk Rating 2.0)
The NFIP has promulgated a new rating program for all flood policies – Risk Rating 2.0. The goal is to modernize flood rating using technology and history to develop somewhat customized premiums. There are major changes, a new world to which those seasoned in flood rating must adjust!
Trusts: Watch Out – Lawyers Strike Again
Trusts are often used as a means to avoid some of the issues related to probate and estate taxes. However, the lawyers rarely tell insureds that when a trust is set up changes must be made to the homeowners’ policy in the form of specific endorsements as the person’s relationship to the house has changed. We have to ask every year – never assume – because lawyers don’t think about it.
3 Underutilized Homeowners’ Endorsements
In the “HO-2000 world,” ISO has promulgated over 145 homeowners’ endorsements. Some of these endorsements take protection away (we want to stay away from those), some apply to specific exposures (such as home sharing) and others even clarify what the policy already says. But among this long list are great endorsements that are greatly underutilized by many agents.
PAP Resource List by State
Download this handy PAP Resource list organized by state for easy reference.
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