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Education + Analysis for the Independent Agent

Special Features * Advantages of Big 'I' Membership * Just for Fun * Commerial General Liability * Commercial Property * Personal Auto Issues * Agency Management * Insurance Laws & Statutes/Coverage Resources
FREE WEBINAR: Five Minute E&O Fixes - Tips, Tricks & Tiny Tweaks That Help Protect Your Agency
You’ll want the entire agency to attend this FREE webinar, Five Minute E&O Fixes, brought to you by Big ‘I’ Professional Liability and Swiss Re Corporate Solutions. During this hour long event, your agency with learn tips and tricks to do in five minutes or less that will have a big impact on E&O prevention. Make it a Lunch & Learn and share this "practical magic" with the entire agency.
Meet Nancy Germond, Your New Big 'I' Virtual University Director
A note from Chris Boggs…We are very excited to have Nancy Germond on the Big ‘I’ team. She brings a great new dimension from which we will all benefit. As Nancy takes over the Virtual University (including Insurance Illustrated), you can expect great things. She will captain this ship to great things. Welcome, Nancy!
Big ‘I’ Home Business
RLI’s Home Business Policy provides affordable coverage for those people who operate small home-based businesses. Insureds often believe their existing homeowners or apartment-dwellers policy will cover any loss or damage to their business equipment, furniture and supplies in the event of fire, theft or other catastrophe, when in fact, those policies usually explicitly exclude coverage for any business exposures on their premises. The RLI Home Business Policy is targeted for over 140 retail and services risks operated from the insured’s residence and presenting minimal product liability, professional liability and/or off-premises exposures.
Commercial General Liability & Business Auto Policy Quiz
Test your knowledge of the CGL and BAP with this short 10-question quiz.
Construction Risks Becoming Harder to Place
Construction risks are becoming harder to place and premiums continue to increase. With the construction market expected to increase by about 9% in 2022, now is an opportune time to increase your expertise and client base in construction and artisan and contractors risks. This article outlines the current state of the market, including some tips on collaborating with wholesalers to place those hard-to-place contractor risks.
“Dagger” or Plus Symbol Classes: What They Mean
Nearly 40% of ISO’s general liability class codes are, what some call, “dagger” codes. All a “dagger” classification does is rearrange where the products and/or completed operations coverage is found.
Personal and Advertising Injury: Another Case Where ISO May Be Broader
Proprietary coverage forms are not always better than Insurance Services Office (ISO) forms. Careful comparison is required to confirm the insured is not harmed by non-ISO language. A recent Illinois district court ruling highlights an incidence where ISO’s Personal and Advertising Injury wording may be broader and better for the insured.
Understanding the Basics of Property Protection in COPE Underwriting
Property underwriters analyze essentially the same information today as was reviewed 400 years ago. Although technology has changed, the basics of property underwriting has not changed. The four primary factors in property underwriting are Construction, Occupancy, Protection and Exposures (COPE). This article provides a brief overview of one piece of this puzzle – Protection.
The Commercial Insurance Vacancy Clause Important to Today’s Commercial Real Estate Owners
Work patterns since COVID-19 sent millions of workers home had a big impact on the commercial real estate market. And although JP Morgan predicts commercial real estate will come “bouncing back” in 2022, it’s a great time to remind your clients of the need to understand their commercial property policies’ vacancy clauses.
Does the PAP Cover Food Delivery?
For the personal auto insurance industry, food delivery is a big exposure. And because so many teenagers and even young adults deliver food as a primary or secondary source of income, agents are regularly asked if the PAP covers food delivery.  Does the PAP extend coverage for food delivery? Well, maybe! Like so many other insurance coverage questions, the answer depends on the coverage language of the individual policy and the specifics of the activity.
The “Business Use” Exclusion in the Personal Auto Policy
In practical application, the PAP extends coverage for the business use of a “your covered auto” provided it’s not used to carry people or property for a fee (i.e., Uber or Lyft). Absent material misrepresentation in the application regarding the use of the vehicle, the PAP responds to an incident arising from business use. But some carrier’s apply specific business use exclusions few ever pay attention to, until it’s too late.
Can Our Agency Cancel or Non-Renew a Client?
An agent asks: Can our agency cancel or non-renew a nightmare client?
14 Tips for Calming Upset Customers
Upset customers can be unnerving. But with the right attitude and techniques, many of these people can be turned into satisfied, loyal customers. It's not always easy, but it's worth it. In this article, I'll present 14 tips that you can use to calm upset customers...half deal with general principles and half target specific behaviors and responses that you can learn and control.
Grow Your Agency Book: Understand the Importance of the Qualified Lead Ratio
The qualified lead ratio tells the agency if their database of leads is beneficial or wholly useless by answering the question, what percentage of leads in its database are good leads and which ones are just names taking up memory space? In simplest terms, the qualified lead ratio tells an agency how beneficial its prospect database really is to the producers and the agency. With this ratio it is not hyperbole to say the agency can predict its future success.
PAP Resource List by State
Download this handy PAP Resource list organized by state for easy reference.
​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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