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Education + Analysis for the Independent Agent

Special Features * Advantages of Big 'I' Membership * Agency Management * Homeowners' Insurance * Workers' Compensation * Back to Basics * Personal Lines * Insurance Laws & Statutes/Coverage Resources
Insurers Increasingly Imposing Warranties and Safeguards on Commercial Property Policies
An interesting post on LinkedIn by risk management consultant Jack Schwartz, managing director at Davis + Gilbert Risk Management, caught my attention. The issue, according to Schwartz is that insurers are increasing the number of warranties placed on property policies, whether these are location-specific policies or smaller scheduled locations.
Professional Liability Exclusions Can Create Uncovered Claims Under Commercial General Liability Policies
The Coronavirus created many growth opportunities for today’s commercial and residential contractors. Now is the time for agents to query their contracting clients to ensure their clients have made no material changes in their operations. Professional liability exposures can arise, especially when contractors begin new lines of work.
Understanding Dog Bite Liability and Coverage Issues
Approximately 4.5 million dog bites occur in the U.S. each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to, from 2005 to 2017, 433 Americans died from dog attacks. Of these fatalities, 65.6% were the result of attacks by pit bulls, with Rottweilers accounting for an additional 10.4%. There’s a lot for agents to know about dog liability and homeowners coverage issues.
Problems of Insurance to Value Forefront in the Insurance Industry
Statistics don’t lie, and all across the internet recently we see articles about underinsured homes throughout the U.S. After a loss is a terrible time to discover your insured’s policy limits are insufficient. How can today’s agents best help their insureds adequately protect their homes, even when it means a higher premium? Here are some tips to help you keep you better protect your insureds’ property values.
Big 'I' Releases 2022 Market Share Report
The independent agency channel places 62% of all property-casualty insurance written in the U.S., according to the Big “I" 2022 Market Share Report, which also points to independent agencies' dominance in commercial lines, finding that nearly 88% of all commercial lines written premium is placed by the independent agency channel.
How to Connect with Diverse Communities and Win Their Business
It's increasingly likely that your next prospect won't look like you. Learn more from this IA Magazine article.
Why Polling Letters Are Important for E&O
Polling letters are an indispensable errors & omissions tool. This IA Magazine article explains why.
Customer Care and Employee Care Go Hand in Hand
Creating an environment where both customers and employees want to pledge their loyalty is a function of good planning as much as good intention. As companies compete for qualified personnel (like they compete for customers) we all need to get better at developing and keeping talented staff. Losing talented employees costs you money and often costs you customers.
Vacation Season is Open Season for Burglars
Summertime can be a bonanza for burglars. If you insure second homes owned by “snowbirds,” the risk of burglary increases during the summer, especially in July and August, according to the Insurance Information Institute. But even an overnight trip can create the opportunity for theft. Spring is a good time to remind your clients of some summer safety tips to help keep their property safer while they’re away for the summer or just on a days-long getaway.
How Vacant is Vacant – But What if it’s NOT Vacant?
Vacant land, or what qualifies as vacant land, is a common question for the VU. Two recent “Ask an Expert” questions specific to vacant land indicated the need to address the question again.
An Agent Call to Action: Underinsurance
Is it time to re-visit the methodology used by agents to determine replacement costs and/or re-construction costs? How confident are you that the real property replacement values that you develop are sufficient to either replace or rebuild? If a natural catastrophe hit your community, would you have the same confidence in your replacement or rebuild figures? As the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters occur, one of the first questions in their aftermath is why is underinsurance one of the first issues.
Bad Things Happen When Employees Travel to Other States
Traveling employees create workers’ compensation coverage nightmares; but many agents are unaware of these travelling landmines until after the injury. The problems arise at the junction of two key concepts: 1) Extraterritoriality and 2) Reciprocity. If these two concepts don’t align, serious coverage implications – including no coverage – can exist.
3 Ways to Add Value for Your Workers Comp Clients
Despite the coronavirus pandemic adversely impacting and challenging businesses of all sizes and sectors, workers compensation insurers have managed to maintain—and in some cases increase—profitability. From IA Magazine, learn three ways to add value to your workers' comp clients.
Back to Basics - What is Coinsurance and How Do I Describe it to My Clients?
Understanding the importance of coinsurance and describing it to your clients is important in both personal and commercial lines coverages. This article will explain what coinsurance is, why insurers rely on it and why, considering escalating property values, it is critical that your insureds understand and embrace this concept.
Back to Basics - What’s New in Premises Liability Exposures?
Recent settlements and jury verdicts against property owners and managers hit with premises liability claims continue to climb. Whether your clients own a tavern, a manufacturing plant, manage apartment complexes, or are homeowners, their current liability limits may be insufficient in today’s legal environment.
Flood Risks Are Rising – Are Your Clients Prepared?
Your clients may be unaware of the flooding risks they face. A free, online assessment tool pioneered by First Watch Foundation may help your policyholders better recognize their flood risks.
Does the PAP Cover Food Delivery?
For the personal auto insurance industry, food delivery is a big exposure. And because so many teenagers and even young adults deliver food as a primary or secondary source of income, agents are regularly asked if the PAP covers food delivery.  Does the PAP extend coverage for food delivery? Well, maybe! Like so many other insurance coverage questions, the answer depends on the coverage language of the individual policy and the specifics of the activity.
Who Is Liable When No One Is Driving?
Opinions vary regarding the widespread availability and ultimate acceptance in the US of fully autonomous vehicles. Some foresee widespread adoption of fully autonomous vehicles within the next “automotive generation” (within 12 years); others believe fully autonomous vehicles won’t be the “rule” for at least two or three automotive generations (24 to 36 years). Both sides have credible arguments, but only one can be correct. Regardless who is correct, how is legal liability altered during the transition to full autonomy?
17 “Tests” to Decide: Employee or Independent Contractor
Constant debate swirls around the difference between independent contractors and employees. It seems that every contractor wants everyone to believe that everyone on the job site is an independent contractor; but we know that’s not true. Use these 17 “tests” to differentiate between a de facto employee and a true independent contractor.
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