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Education + Analysis for the Independent Agent

Advantages of Big 'I' Membership * Commercial Lines * Back to Basics * Personal Lines * Checklists * Insurance Laws & Statutes/Coverage Resources
Commercial Producer Onboarding Guide
The Big “I" Professional Liability program has created a free “Commercial Producer Onboarding Guide," a self-paced learning resource that provides an overview and learning path through 13 core prerecorded “Lightning Learning" risk management webinars. These webinars are essential tools for both new and seasoned commercial producers. The guide highlights typical commercial lines exposures that can create agency E&O claims and provides learning tools to avoid or minimize risk. Member login required.
Why Do Insureds Need D&O Insurance?
It's relatively easy to convince a prospect they need CGL coverage. However, it may be difficult to convince them that they may need other forms of liability insurance such as Directors & Officers, Errors & Omissions, Employment Practices Liability, etc. The problem often involves a lack of understanding between the differences in these coverages and the exposures that trigger them.
ISO’s New MicroBOP: Get Ready to Rumble in the Micro-Business Market
The economic disruption caused by COVID-19 has left millions of people unemployed—at what many say is the highest rate since the Great Depression. In considering the future, those who’ve lost their jobs may think about starting a home-based business as the crisis eases or perhaps working more independently. This could create an expansion of the micro-business market—businesses with few or no employees that often operate out of homes or shared spaces.
Personal and Advertising Injury: Another Case Where ISO May Be Broader
Proprietary coverage forms are not always better than Insurance Services Office (ISO) forms. Careful comparison is required to confirm the insured is not harmed by non-ISO language. A recent Illinois district court ruling highlights an incidence where ISO’s Personal and Advertising Injury wording may be broader and better for the insured.
Why is the Insurance Industry Regulated?
You may wonder why the insurance industry is so heavily regulated. Let’s take a look at the main reasons the states regulate insurance. Because business owners, the economy and industry depend so heavily on insurance, the regulation of insurance is vital to national business interests. This article covers some basic insurance regulations impacting us as industry professionals.
Deleting a Car and Cancelling a Homeowners’ Policy
The client calls and tells you they have sold or traded in their car. Do you delete coverage that day? Be careful. What about if the insureds have sold their home? When is it proper to delete coverage?
Round Out Your Accounts with a Business Owners Policy
A few recent articles highlight how many Americans, especially Millennials, supplement their income with side gigs. A side gig is work people start in addition to their main jobs. Side gigs can be full time or part time, and many people begin side gigs because they intend to transition into a full-time business. Many side-gig practitioners do not understand they face many liabilities, from customers in their homes to copyright infringement on their website. This article explores how to round out accounts by reaching out to your customers with side gigs.
Why You Should Teach Your Client’s Kids About Insurance
Most people, including your clients, are insurance illiterates. Their limited understanding of insurance comes from the commercials they see on TV and the misinformation they “hear on the streets.” Insurance professionals should invest in their client’s kids. Why? Let us count the ways.
Dog Owner Liability Rules by State
This reference sheet provides information on liabilities of dog owners in each state.
Liability Coverage for Trailer-Related Liability: Primary and Excess Protection
View a checklist for details on liability coverage for primary and excess protection.
Mid-Term Cancellations by State
Take a look at this spreadsheet to determine how your state handles mid-term cancellations.
Duty to Defend: What the Courts Say - State List
You can download this Duty to Defend: What the Courts Say list organized by state for easy reference.
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Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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