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Education + Analysis for the Independent Agent

Special Feature * Advantages of Big 'I' Membership * Commercial Lines * Back to Basics * Agency Management * Life & Health * Insurance Laws & Statutes/Coverage Resources
Should an Agency Purchase E&O Coverage from One of Its Carriers?
Agencies have many options available for the placement of their E&O coverage. For some agencies, one of the options is purchasing E&O coverage directly from one of their appointed carriers. However, this approach can be a double-edged sword. This article covers some of the inherent conflicts of interest in this decision.
Invest is a national early education program that teaches students about insurance, financial services and risk management while encouraging them to pursue insurance careers. Invest partners with educators in high schools, community college and workforce development programs to bring its curriculum to life with the help of YOU, our insurance professionals! Learn how you can get involved with an invaluable program to strengthen and grow the future talent of our industry. Please visit for our new workshops.
Extended Business Income
A Louisiana agent asks, “I am stumped on a couple of business income issues, and would appreciate your help.  First, I’m trying to figure out the difference between Extended Business Income, Extended Period of Indemnity, and Maximum Period of Indemnity.  Second, how do all these differ from ‘regular’ Business Income?  I realize these are probably pretty basic questions, so my apologies in advance.  I am still learning about Business Income.”
“Workcation” and Work Comp
The employee decides to take his or her work “on the road” now that they are allowed to work from home – or anywhere. When the employee takes a “workcation” away from their residence, are any workers’ compensation issues created?
7 Important Considerations Required to Properly Insure “Fixtures”
Agents learn early that there are two types of property, real property and personal property. Real property is generally defined as land and everything attached to the land such as by roots, by being embedded in the land, permanently resting on the land such as a building or property permanently attached to the building. Personal property is essentially everything that isn’t real property. But there is a middle ground – fixtures. Fixtures begin life as personal property but become part of real property by attachment; however, they maintain their individual identity. Obviously, then, fixtures should be insured as real property. Or should they? Is it really that easy?
Closing the Gap on Insurance to Value
Inadequate valuation of physical assets in property policies results in a shortfall in premium collected, which in turn hinders the ability to rebuild fully after a loss. This is a problem for insurance customers, carriers and reinsurers. Ensuring value adequacy helps avoid costly surprises at claims time and puts the industry on more solid footing when it comes to capital management and balance sheet strength.
2024 New Year’s Resolutions for Savvy Insurance Agents
2023 was undoubtedly the most challenging year most independent insurance agents have experienced in their careers. It will certainly be one of the costliest to insurers, and this and uncertainty about the future given climate and social and other inflation seems to drive rates. According to Swiss Re, the cost of natural disasters worldwide broke several loss records. Does your agency have a plan of action in place that can help guide you as you navigate this difficult market?
To Service or Sell – That’s the Difference to Success
As an emerging insurance agent, pointing out your customers’ various coverage needs can not only generate more income and a more committed client, but can also prevent a potential allegation that you failed to offer a vital coverage. This article highlights the difference between an agent’s servicing or selling.
Dive Into the Artificial Intelligence Ocean
Unless you're still taking your morning coffee sorting punch cards with Herman Hollerith, you've spent the last year or so trying to wrap your head around artificial intelligence (AI) and what it will mean in our industry, and in society in general. In all sincerity, I suspect every person reading this is doing their own research and forming their own views as to the benefits of AI, and maybe even some of the potential issues or challenges. At Agents Council for Technology, we are too. Read on for more information on the Big I’s experience with AI.
Key Person Insurance
It may surprise a client to find that the company’s most valuable asset was not insured. This would be especially upsetting for an insured who felt that there was always needed coverage in effect. Property, liability and business income insurance were purchased to eliminate serious losses. What went wrong? Why wasn’t this possible major loss brought to their attention and why wasn’t it insured against?
Disability Income Insurance
As tough a sale as it is, life insurance can be sold. A far tougher sale is disability insurance. Most prospects do not understand statistically how likely they are to be disabled vs. deceased. This article provides some of those statistics, along with some coverage considerations!
Life Insurance Policy Checklist
E&O classes always stress the need to use checklists. P&C exposures change over time and policy coverages must change with them. This is also true with life insurance. The needs that were present at application time probably have changed. A policy that was sold years ago may now require modifications due to changes in the family, income, required expenses, etc.
Valued Policy State List
Valued policy states require insurers to pay the face amount of the policy in the event of a total loss, even if the replacement cost is lower than the policy's face amount. Each valued polict state may apply the law differently. Download this Valued Policy State List for easy reference.
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Alexandria VA 22314
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