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Education + Analysis for the Independent Agent

Advantages of Big 'I' Membership * Agency Management * Back to Basics * Commercial Lines * Personal Lines * Insurance Laws & Statutes/Coverage Resources
NCCI Rolls Out New Learning Center Platform, Resources for Agents and Brokers
In 2024, the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) rolled out a modernized Learning Center accessible to the public. The Learning Center provides a range of topics, including classification, experience rating, the residual market, and more. This article covers the new learning path and other valuable resources available to insurance agents and brokers who want to learn more about workers compensation.
ABEN is the Big "I" VU Provider for CE
The Agents & Brokers Education Network (ABEN) is a partnership between Big "I" state associations across the country offering professional insurance training and continuing education using premier, live webcast technology. ABEN's catalog has dozens of courses from some of the best presenters in the insurance industry, covering a wide range of relevant topics. Their webcasts offer high quality CE training in your location and on your schedule at a fraction of the cost associated with attending an on-site course.
Are Insurance Agents "Professionals"?
Are insurance agents "professionals"? Is an insurance agent considered as skilled in his or her discipline as a doctor, lawyer, architect, engineer, etc.? Professionals are held to a higher standard of care and how you hold yourself out to the general public can determine the nature and extent of your liability.
"How Much Coverage Do I Need?"
Every professional agent knows to never answer the question, “How much liability coverage do I need?” But even if you don’t overtly answer the question, you may be leading or limiting your client’s choices. Don’t inadvertently make the limits choice for them, or limit the amount of coverage they can purchase.
Getting Sued by Being Too Helpful: Stick to Your Expertise
Insurance agents have a deep desire to help their clients any way they can; but sometime, agents undertake to help in ways and areas where they are not qualified (or licensed). Don’t answer questions you are not qualified or legally able to answer just because you want to help. Being too helpful can get you sued.
What Does Symbol 1 on the Business Auto Policy Cover?
While Symbol 1 of the Commercial Auto Policy should cover “any auto” your insured drives, there are no guarantees that 1) Your carrier will allow this coverage on all or any of your insured’s vehicles, and 2) that the carrier won’t add an additional audit charge at audit after an accident involving “any auto.” Often if an insured removes a commercial vehicle from service and asks to have that vehicle deleted from the policy while the vehicle is out of service, the carrier will not allow that change under Symbol 1. Read on for deeper understanding of Symbol 1 from our Ask an Expert panel.
Abusing the Pollution Exclusion
A contractor was hauling an oil tank on his flatbed trailer to a disposal site. The tank leaked a small amount of oil onto the road and a motorcycle in back of the truck slid on the oil, injuring the driver. The insurance carrier denied the loss based on the pollution exclusion. Do you agree? We don't and here's why....
Running MVRs for Commercial Auto Clients
Agents often get pulled into spots they don’t need to be; one of those is pulling MVRs for commercial auto clients. If asked to run MVRs for your commercial auto client, what should you do?
“Pollution” Incident…BAP or CGL?
Leaked fluids from a wreck of two vehicles were not properly cleaned up by a private firm. As a result, a motorcyclist was seriously injured when he slid through the oil slick. In the claim against the private firm, would this be a BAP or CGL exposure? Does the pollution exclusion in either policy apply?
Back to Basics - What is Coinsurance and How Do I Describe it to My Clients?
Understanding the importance of coinsurance and describing it to your clients is important in both personal and commercial lines coverages. This article will explain what coinsurance is, why insurers rely on it and why, considering escalating property values, it is critical that your insureds understand and embrace this concept.
Additional Living Expense: Be Careful the Advice You Take
Additional Living Expense is specifically limited in the HO policy; however, at least one group that undertakes to provide “expert” opinions believes that there is no limit. Be careful the advice you take and read the policy yourself rather than depending on others. The E&O claim you avoid could be your own.
The PAP and Additional Insureds
Some employers of people who use their personal autos for business want to be named as additional insureds on their personal auto policies (PAPs). However, many companies refuse to do this on the basis that they don't want the broader exposure or that the business owner has no insurable interest. Actually, there's no need to name the business as an AI on the PAP, although there could be a need for a PAP endorsement similar to a "do nothing" endorsement in the business auto program.
Over Insurance Statutes by State
Download this convenient over insurance statutes by state chart.
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