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Education + Analysis for the Independent Agent

Advantages of Big 'I' Membership * Agency Management * Back to Basics * Commercial Lines * Personal Lines * Insurance Laws & Statutes/Coverage Resources
Big 'I' Flood
Big “I” Flood and Selective’s relationship helps deliver members an unparalleled flood program. Together, we offer agents several layers of support to meet any and all flood insurance needs. Get your flood questions answered by getting to know the Big “I” and Selective staff. With personalized support, competitive commissions and an easy-to-use quoting platform, it is a simple decision to start writing your flood business through the Big “I” Flood-Selective program today.
Can Our Agency Cancel or Non-Renew a Client?
In recent months, this has become a hot topic: Can our agency cancel or non-renew a nightmare client?
Producers: Independent Contractors or Employees?
Producers often work for the agency with a lot of independence. Does that make them independent contractors rather than employees? What if they're paid as 1099 workers rather than receiving W2s? Obviously, their employment status can affect how they're viewed by the IRS and your state labor department with regard to workers compensation coverage.
11 Key Questions to Help Your Clients Avoid Hiring Bad and Unethical Public Adjusters
Learn the key questions to help clients avoid hiring bad and unethical Public Adjusters.
Workers’ Compensation Glossary
A glossary of workers’ compensation terms.
Grow Your Insurance Agency Business by Discovering New Business Ventures
Many consultancies begin out of necessity. An older worker may face a layoff and be unable to quickly find new employment. Professions such as information technology, the finance industry and construction/manufacturing seem to be the most flagrant violators of age discrimination laws. Those over forty who cannot quickly find employment after a downsizing may decide to begin their own consultancy. Others begin businesses to devote more time at home to growing families. No matter the reason, many of your insureds will begin consultancies and may not realize the business exposures they face. You can grow your business by helping these fledgling entrepreneurs better protect themselves as they form and grow their businesses.
Discontinued Operations
This article is about the often misunderstood exposure of discontinued operations. While your Technical Affairs Committee continues to work with ISO to develop stronger coverage for discontinued businesses, this article describes the current state of discontinued ops. With so many business owners retiring and the increased merger and acquisition environment, this issue is front and center on the Big "I"s radar.
The CGL Professional Liability 'Exclusion'
Unlike the simple ISO HO policy, the ISO CGL policy has no specific professional liability exclusion. As a result, sometimes it can be difficult to determine whether a claim is an "occurrence" and covered by the CGL or an "act, erroror omission" and not covered. In this article, we'll explore this issue and include a dynamite download from an attorney who has examined the legal precedents.
Understanding ISO’s New ‘Your Belongings’ Form Designed for Millennials
Insurance Services Office (ISO), based on a 2016 survey of millennials, recently introduced the PM 00 43 – Your Belongings Form to allow insureds without a perceived need for a homeowners’ policy to extend coverage to their personal property anywhere in the world. The form indicates a March 2019 effective date.
Condominiums Revisited
This piece answers three condo questions for unit owners. First, when the unit owner is responsible for insuring unit improvements and betterments, is this limited to improvements made by them or any previous owner? Second, should the unit owner’s mortgagee be added as an additional insured or mortgagee on the association’s master policy? And lastly, how should agents respond when the mortgagee is requiring Coverage A limits equal to the loan amount?
Drivers vs. Insureds
We find that often there is a misconception that listing someone as a driver on an auto policy automatically makes them an insured or that someone is not an insured because they are not listed as a driver. The reality is that the policy language is what governs and listing as a driver is more often an underwriting and rating tool. But there are exceptions…caveat emptor!
Conditional Renewal Notification Requests
You can download this convenient Conditional Renewal Notifications Requirements by State chart for easy reference.
​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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