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Tech Trends and Resources for the Independent Agent

ACT News

for November 2020,November 2020

Tech Trends + Resources for the Independent Agent

Welcome to ACT News!

Thanks to all of you for an amazingly-successful “LETs" Virtual Summit this past Oct 19-22.  ACT combined forces with Big 'I' Young Agents and Education Convocation programs to offer 15 sessions across four days.

We are dedicating this ACT News edition to providing you overviews and insights on key discussions during some of the ACT sessions.

We have more great news – For those sessions you did not get a chance to attend live, recordings can be found HERE.

And as a bonus, we have insights on another key ACT resource detailed in this issue – See the article on our new ACT 'Agency Resource Guide to Chatbots' below! 

All of this has been brought free of charge for you, thanks to our amazing ACT Members, as well as sponsors from the Young Agent and Education programs.  Thank you to all!

'Carrier Lessons Learned’ Panel Insights
Reps from national, regional, and super-regional carriers share how they have pivoted to provide critical services to their partners and customers, increased speed to market, and also discuss how they are planning to address future needs as our environment continues to evolve. Learn More
Brandon Smith – Mind The Gap
Mind the gap”—a saying on signs in London’s Tube reminding riders to watch for the space between the train and the platform.  It’s a good saying to alert us that there’s a gap between traditional insurance industry relationships and all the new technology.  That gap could cause us serious injury if we don’t take the right steps.  Brandon Smith offers insight into this new phase of our customer experience journey as well as key steps independent agencies can take to bridge the gap.  Here are some of the highlights and takeaways from his keynote presentation, edited for brevity.  Learn More
Seth Preus – Keeping the “Work” In “Work From Home”
Seth Preus of Mivation gave the LET’s Summit audience a lesson on how the motivations of remote workers can vary from those who are in a physical office setting and more importantly, how to manage those differences to positively impact production.  In this discussion, Seth details his recommendation of a shift in thinking from what is “observed” to what can be “measured”.  Defining work objectively, based on data, moves us from “believing” to “knowing”.     Learn More
Future-Proof Security Plans
In this ACT Virtual Summit session, we go deep on the emerging concerns around cybersecurity in a hybrid work world. Discussions covered emerging risks, and actions we must take including the requirements when working with third-party providers.     Learn More
Data: From Fear to Power
Data has been a scary word for years because it conjures up ideas of confusion, time consumption and pressures to give up your agency’s competitive edge.  Our panelists discuss how all participants in the insurance ecosystem can collaborate with maximum ROI, uptake and ease, all while maintaining the data security that policyholders expect.  A key to success is establishing the strategy for data use.  Once you can articulate what you want to do with data, it becomes clearer what to collect and how to crunch it. Learn More
ACT Announces Our Newest Agent Resource
Expectations for instant service and ease of doing business have never been greater. Your agency needs to meet these expectations to compete in this digital-first world.
Powered by the expertise of our Customer Experience Workgroup you will learn:
                        •  What is a chatbot?
                        •  Challenges and benefits of using 
                        •  Purchase and implementation
                        •  And so much more
Learn More
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Mark Your Calendar

Nov 18, 2020
AUGIE Unplugged

May 19-22, 2021
ACT Meeting
In conjunction with the NetVU Accelerate National Conference
The Colorado Convention Center
Denver, CO

Nov 30 - Dec 4, 2020
DIGIN Digital Insurance Conference

May 19-22, 2021
NetVU Accelerate 2021
The Colorado Convention Center
Denver, CO

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​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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Independent Insurance Agents.