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Tech Trends and Resources for the Independent Agent

ACT News

for March 2021,March 2021

Tech Trends + Resources for the Independent Agent

Welcome to ACT News!

Welcome to almost-spring!  (or maybe full-blown spring in some southern areas).  We're thrilled that this issue contains more great discussion & insights from our ACT members – the direction of future tech, data concerns, veteran insights, and of course the omnipresent CX.   We love the fact we can feature insights and thought leadership from all ACT members, so if you'd like to collaborate on an article for ACT News, just let us know!

Finally, please know that we are monitoring the vaccine/opening rollout with our conference partners and hope to quickly determine whether we will be hosting an in-person ACT Meeting this fall, or whether we will need to go virtual.  We'll let you, our members, know as soon as we are able. 

A Conversation with IVANS CEO Reid Holzworth
Reid Holzworth has a wide tech background and took the helm of IVANS this past October 2020.  ACT sat down with Reid to talk about how his past prepped him for leading IVANS into the future, creating a true information superhighway, and insights on IVANS’ role in working with all in our distribution channel. Learn More
How Can You 'Up Your CX Game'?
 ACT 'Online Agency CX Self-Assessment' Launches!
We hear more and more often how customers anticipate an exceptional interaction.  Expectations have changed during this ‘digital revolution.  How businesses embrace the changing technology landscape to give clients what they want, need, and frankly expect will determine how successful they are in the future.   The key question though is “How”?  How can agents provide outstanding service that will help them attract and retain clients? Learn More
Three Questions to Ask Technology Partners about Client Data
In the insurance industry, client data goes through many different touchpoints, and ownership of it has long been in a tug-of-war between multiple stakeholders.  ACT member HawkSoft offers this insightful article on focus areas for agents to ensure you understand how your client data is being handled. Learn More
Angela Adams Consulting
Drop the name ‘Angela Adams’, and it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t know – and like – Angela, and the level of service her firm offers.  She seems omnipresent at industry events, with a smile and an offering of deep wisdom.  ACT staff talked with Angela to get even more insights on the industry, as well as her continually-expanding vision for her company and the amazing array of services they provide.   Learn More
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Mark Your Calendar

Mar 29 - Apr 1, 2021
2021 WSIA Insurtech Conference
Virtual Event

July 2021
Agency Nation Elevate 'Trilogy'
Virtual Event

Aug 23-26, 2021
AppliedNet 2021

Oct 18-19, 2021
HawkSoft User Group Conference
Town & Country Hotel, San Diego, CA

May 18 - June 30, 2021
NetVU Accelerate 2021
Virtual Event

Fall ACT Meeting
ACT Meeting
More Info Coming Soon

Oct 4-6, 2021
InsureTech Connect Digital 2021
Mandalay Bay Resort, Las Vegas, NV

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​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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Independent Insurance Agents.