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Tech Trends and Resources for the Independent Agent

ACT News

for November 2023,November 2023,November 2023,November 2023

Tech Trends + Resources for the Independent Agent

Where is November's ACT News???

Hello All -

We didn't want to let November pass by without letting you know about November's ACT News.  Due to a staff medical leave and lots of conference travel, November has flown by.  We wanted to be sure you knew we were back on our feet and working on our next bi-monthly edition.  Stay tuned for our January ACT News which will be chock-full of content including coverage of our October Back to Basics meeting that was held by the generosity of ACT Partner Encova Insurance at their Home Office in Columbus, great tech articles from other ACT Partners, as well as announcements of ACT's 2024 goals.

We are looking forward to an exciting new year with opportunities to engage, enlighten, and discuss all things technology that impact our agency members.

As always - we want to thank our tremendous group of ACT Partners whose support makes everything we do possible. Please click here to see a list of these generous organizations.

We'd also LOVE to hear from you!

  • Is there anything we can do for you in 2024? 
  • Any industry topics you want to hear more about? 
  • Questions you have on agency technology? 
  • Information to share that would be valuable to our audience?  
Please reach out. 😀

Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and we look forward to talking in 2024!

Chris Cline - ACT Executive Director
 Ginny Winkworth - ACT Program Manager

​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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​Empowering Trusted Choice®
Independent Insurance Agents.