Diversity Training Materials
How to Market to People Not Like YOU. Diversity Marketing Guru Kelly McDonald Creates Tools for Agents
The world is changing and the most recent census data proves every agency should understand others’ cultures, values, language and priorities in mind. To address this important evolution, free marketing resources are available to help agents better market to an increasingly diverse population. Resources include webcasts, research worksheets and marketing guides to help you create an effective cross-cultural, cross-generational markeitng plan.
The webcasts are hosted on the ABEN network and being provided to members at no charge. Your association login and password will not work in these catalogs and you will need to create a login and password the first time you access the materials.
The Online Resource Guide and Seven Steps to Getting Started Workbook are core materials for each individual module in the series and are the same for all eight segments. |
Reaching Diverse Customers Marketing Series - Introduction
This introduction to the individual marketing segments will provide insights into how the demographics of the population are changing. You will find out how to tweak your agency’s marketing message to be relevant to any new customer group and tactics to make sure that your agency is operationally reach and operationally friendly and ready to communicate your unique message in a relevant manner that shows respect for others’ cultures, values, language and priorities. Learn how to develop a diversity marketing plan and how to measure your success, autopsy your failures and continue to achieve your goal of reaching new and more customers.
- ABEN Webcast (Introduction) - Online Resource Guide - Seven Steps to Getting Started Workbook
Reaching Diverse Customers Marketing Series - Gen-X Age Group
Learn more about this group sandwiched between the Boomers and the Ys. Find out how humor factors into reaching them and why value and pricing are important considerations for them.
- Marketing Guide.pdf (Gen-X) - Online Resource Guide - Seven Steps to Getting Started Workbook
Reaching Diverse Customers Marketing Series - The Gen-Y Age Group
Learn about what age group comprises Gen Y and how our new digital world and their desire to express their opinions to the world needs to factor into your marketing to this group.
Reaching Diverse Customers Marketing Series - African American
Learn why African-American consumers and people of color can be your best customers. Find out what they want from your products and services and why they value your marketing efforts, your recognition and your respect.
Reaching Diverse Customers Marketing Series - Hispanic
Reaching Diverse Customers Marketing Series - The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered (GLBT) Community
Learn why this GLBT community is very responsive to the brands and products that have created marketing that welcomes them. Find out how community events provide excellent opportunities for agents to better understand and find more ways to work with this lucrative and loyal customer segment.
Reaching Diverse Customers Marketing Series - Women
Learn how to reach this very busy household decision-maker. Find out why “keeping it real” takes on a whole new meaning when working with women. Understand how your marketing message needs to include the Five Things ALL women value in order to reach and connect to this marketing segment.