.png) Anitra Rivera Diversity and Inclusion Programs Director
This past fall the Big I Diversity Council hired our newest addition to the Big I Agent Development team, Anitra Rivera. As the new Big I Programs Director for Diversity and Inclusion, Anitra is committed to help lead our diversity and inclusion efforts across the Big I as we work to engage and develop a sustainable diverse independent agency network in partnership with our state associations, insurance companies, and multicultural industry affinity groups.Anitra has made her career focus on helping foster diversity, inclusion, and equity through programming, training, and developing initiatives to create spaces where people can grow and succeed. Her most recent role was Acting Assistant Vice Chancellor of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Chief Diversity Officer and Director of Student Diversity Initiatives at Missouri University of Science and Technology. During her tenure there she was the campus liaison for several external and internal diversity committees. In addition, she led the development of a digital badge program for their diversity, equity and inclusion training programs and facilitated a mentoring program while also advising several underrepresented minority professional student organizations. .png) Anitra is a proud graduate of Colorado Technical University where she received her MBA with an emphasis in human resources management. She also received her bachelor's degrees in psychology at Upper Iowa University. Anitra is a qualified administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory from IDI, LLC and has certifications in Safe Space training from Campus Pride and Affirmative Action from the American Association for Access, Equity and Diversity. She is currently completing a certification program to become a certified diversity professional from the Institute for Diversity.Former Big I Director of Diversity and Inclusion, Whitnee Dillard was promoted to Big I Executive Director for Invest and Diversity this past spring.
"Our diversity council is so thrilled and fortunate to have Anitra come aboard as our new programs director. With all of Anitra's knowledge and past experience in diversity, equity and inclusion, we could not have chosen a more perfect person to help continue to lead our diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives for the Big I Association." Brandon Okita, Big I Diversity Council Chair and Vice President for FIA Insurance Services
"Anitra's experience, passion and commitment to diversity and inclusion will help us push diversity and inclusion initiatives to the next level across the Big I and IA channel at large! Whitnee Dillard, Big I Executive Director for Invest and Diversity
Get to Know More About Anitra... Tell us a little bit about you and your background.
My educational background resides in psychology and human resources. I chose this combination because I love the intersection of how people are impacted by education, training, and development in the workplace. My passion is helping people meet success whether that is on the individual or strategic company level. Throughout my career I’ve created programs and initiatives to foster success based on individual’s diverse needs. Naturally, I began to gravitate towards diversity and inclusion initiates and have been focusing on this work for most of my career.
What's been a pivotal moment in your career?
A pivotal moment in my career was when I became the Equity Officer which was part of my role as the Acting Assistant Vice Chancellor at Missouri University of Science and Technology. I read, processed and decided the outcome of cases about discrimination and harassment, and it truly opened my eyes to the horrors people were experiencing in their workplace and the impact it had on them. I had the opportunity to work in all aspects of a case and having the ability to see and hear from the people sitting on both sides really showed me the significant and dire need of education about diverse identities and training so people can acquire skills to communicate across difference. It could really change the things that sometimes even well-meaning people say and do that create toxic environments that may or may not reach the level of discrimination. I became even more passionate about the important work I do and more sensitive and reflective about how I approach my work.
What's an accomplishment you are proud of?
I’m proud of being the first in my family to obtain a bachelor’s and master’s degree.
What do you presume to be a challenging part of your job?
There is so much work to do in the area of DEI, there is so much breadth and depth to the work that it could truly be overwhelming. I’m grateful that Whitnee Dillard has created a solid foundation and through our Diversity Council, council workgroups and the collaborations with different affinity groups organizations the work can be accomplished in a collaborative way that is more enriching to all involved.
What do you like most about your new role thus far?
Meeting new people to learn about the various ways they are being intentional in their inclusion efforts and working on huge diversity initiatives that will impact new agents, independent agencies, and community members for generations.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Don’t quit. When I was in high school, I was captain of my dance team. As the captain I had to place people in formations, I felt so alone that year because people would not be happy when I didn’t put them in the front because they missed practice, etc. It was a lonely year. I continued to lead my team with integrity and even though it was a lonely and difficult year once it was over everyone talked about how I was the best captain and encouraged me to be the returning captain. Though I did not ever want to be captain again I learned an important lesson about leadership. Sometimes it feels lonely to do what’s right, but doing what’s best for you and others can be lonely, continue to make an impact because you are making a difference.
What is your motto or personal mantra?
''I Rise, I Rise, I Rise” From the poem, Still I Rise by Maya Angelou