The Best Practices report is released annually and the most current report is the 2021 Best Practices Study Update.
First conducted in 1993 and updated annually to reflect new challenges and pressures facing the industry, the Best Practices survey is conducted by
Reagan Consulting and the Big "I" as a joint initiative and analyzes the performance of the nation's leading agencies to uncover the methods, procedures, techniques, strategies, and business practices they use to achieve superior results. The Best Practices Study also establishes benchmarks against which agency performance can be measured and offers guidelines on how to use the study as a tool to help improve operations and maximize potential. The tools are a great resource for agency managers or principals who are interested in reviewing their operations to enhance agency performance and profitability.
Big I and Reagan Consulting Release 2021 Best Practices Study Update

Each year the top agencies in the country in each of the six revenue categories agree to open their operations and financials to the Study. Through extensive questionnaires, interviews, analysis of financials and on-site visits, patterns emerge. Although any agency has unique ways of operating and approaching its chosen marketplace, the research discovers definite best practices all successful agencies pursued. With over 3,000 data points this annual research release is a valuable measuring and benchmarking tool.
To guarantee the information and statistics are as fresh and accurate as possible, ongoing updates to the information from the original study are compiled annually, with a full new study completed every three years. The study findings form the foundation for all the IIABA Best Practices tools, whether seminar, publication or online resources.

Best Practices subject matter includes:
- Customer Service
- Perpetuation
- Agency Benchmarking
- Producer Contracts
- Hiring, Training Producers
- Sales and Service Staff Compensation/Productivity and more.
Learn more about the
Best Practices program here. Order the
2021 Best Practices Study Update here.