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Education + Analysis for the Independent Agent

News & Filings From ISO * Special Feature - Personal Auto Issues * Contractual Risk Transfer/Additional Insured/Certificates of Insurance * Crime * Flood * Miscellaneous & Professional Liability * Insurance Laws & Statutes/Coverage Resources
Major Coverage Enhancements Coming to the ISO Businessowners Program
ISO is introducing 60 new BOP endorsements beginning in early 2022. This article gives a very brief overview of what ISO has planned.
STDs and the Personal Auto Policy
Does the personal auto policy extend coverage for a STD supposedly contracted in an insured auto? Well, “disease” is within the definition of bodily injury and there is no specific exclusion – so don’t laugh.
New GEICO Policy Information: A Rebuttal to ‘STDs and the Personal Auto Policy'
While the ISO personal auto policy appears to wholly exclude any coverage for a person contracting a STD in an auto, this is not necessarily true of all coverage forms. Does the GEICO policy have a problem? Might it extend coverage because it doesn’t use ISO language? Maybe!
Certificate of Insurance Questions and Answers
Certificates of insurance account for more headaches at the agency level than just about any other issue. Because COIs create so much angst, the VU regularly conducts webinars regarding them. Out of these webinars come questions. In this article, we attempt to answer many of these questions.
Does Additional Insured Status Replace the Need for a Waiver of Subrogation?
Lower tier contractors seem to be fighting back on some contractual insurance requirements – even to the point of making improper claims. One in particular is that making another party an additional insured negates the need to waive recovery rights against that party (often referred to as a waiver of subrogation). Well, these risk management mechanisms have different outcomes and only slightly overlap.
Additional Insured vs. Indemnitee: Are Contractual Liability Coverage and AI Status the Same Thing?
Agent question: “We have not been individually adding Additional Insured endorsements, relying on them being an indemnitee in the ‘insured contract’ wording of the CGL or BOP policies, which gives them AI status without endorsing that on the policy.” Could this agency have a problem, along with their customers?
FREE WEBINAR: Agency Risk Management Essentials - The Dangers of Technology
Cyber crime and the liability that goes along with it isn't going away anytime soon so be sure and carve out some time in your day to watch this free webinar outlining the dangers of technology. Topics include the sources of danger, types of danger, problems, claims, prevention, and solutions/insurance.
Email Phishing Scam: Coverage for Social Engineering
With perhaps the exception of ransomware, the largest source of cyber loss for insurance carriers is phishing scams, commonly known as business-email-compromises (BECs), whereby an insured is tricked into sending money by wire transfer to a bank account controlled by a criminal organization. Some losses are seven-figures; some represent death by a thousand wounds. During the last two years, many courts have found for the existence of Computer Fraud coverage for such loss in somewhat complex and sometimes head scratching decisions.
Understanding the Unique Facets of Flood Insurance
Flood insurance is, unusual. A flood policy essentially covers one peril but it is surrounded by many unusual facts and facets that make flood coverage unlike any other. Agents must understand the uniqueness of flood to more effectively present it to clients.
Claims Made and Polling Letters
If you have a client written on a “claims made” policy, a polling letter can save them from an uncovered claim and you from an E&O loss. Polling Letters are rarely used, but highly valuable. Protect your client and your agency!
Read the Policy You're Selling
This may be the most important coverage article you read this year. It may be the most important coverage article you’ve ever read. Please read it. And please have your colleagues read it. If you work in an agency, send a link to the article to your underwriters, marketing reps, and claims people. RTFA…Read The Article!
11 Key Questions to Help Your Clients Avoid Hiring Bad and Unethical Public Adjusters
Learn the key questions to help clients avoid hiring bad and unethical Public Adjusters.
Condo Laws
Need help finding the condominium laws of each state? This reference gives you the condominium law, the horizontal property law, the common ownership law, or whatever it is called of every state. Useful – and needed - whether you insure the association or the unit owner.
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