Author: Chris Boggs This reference gives you the condominium law, the horizontal property law, the common ownership law, or whatever it is called of every state. Useful and needed whether you insure the association or the unit owner.
Alabama | 35-8 and 8A | Alaska | 34.08 | Arizona | Title 33; Chapter 9 | Arkansas | 18.2.13 | California | Civil Code; Div. 4, Pt. 5 | Colorado | 38.33 | Connecticut | 47.825 and 47.828 | Delaware | 25.22 and 25.81 | Florida | Title XL Chap. 718 | Georgia | 44.3.3 | Hawaii | 3.28.514A, 514B, 514C | Idaho | 55.15 | Illinois | 765.605, 610, 615 | Indiana | 32.25 | Iowa | Title XII; Chapter 499B | Kansas | 58.46 | Kentucky | Title XXXII; Chap. 381.8-- (Horizontal Property Law) | Louisiana | RS9:1122 to 9:1124 | Maine | 33.10 | Maryland | Real Property; Title 11 | Massachusetts | Part II; Title I; Chap. 183A | Michigan | Chapter 559 | Minnesota | Chapters 515, 515A, 515B | Mississippi | 89-9 | Missouri | Title XXIX Chap. 448 | Montana | 70.23 | Nebraska | 76-801 to 76-894 | Nevada | Title 10; Chaps. 116, 116A, 116B, 117 | New Hampshire | Title XXXI; Chap. 356B | New Jersey | 46:8B | New Mexico | 47. 7, 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D | New York | RPP 9-B.339-D to 339-KK | North Carolina | 47C | North Dakota | 47-04.1 | Ohio | Title 53; Chap. 5311 | Oklahoma | 60-501 to 60-530 | Oregon | Vol. 3; Ch. 100 | Pennsylvania | Title 68; Part II; Subpart B | Rhode Island | 34-36; 34-36.1 | South Carolina | 27-31 | South Dakota | 43-15A | Tennessee | 66-27 | Texas | Property Code; Title 7.82 | Utah | 57-8 | Vermont | 27-15 and Title 27A | Virginia | Title 55; Chaps. 4.1 and 4.2 | Washington | 64-34 | West Virginia | 36A and 36B | Wisconsin | Property; Chapter 703 | Wyoming | 34-20
Links provided through Justia Law.
First published: January 6, 2017
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