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Outstanding Young Agents Committee Awards


Each year, the Big "I" National Young Agents Committee recognizes state Young Agents groups that are killing it with innovative ideas and a passion for solidifying the future of the independent agency system. The goal is to help you as you cultivate and inspire the next generation of independent agent leaders and bring together a community of emerging leaders to share ideas, new opportunities, and innovative practices with your peers.

Outstanding Young Agents Committee Awards are presented in the following five categories:

  • Community Service 
  • Workforce Development (formerly Invest Supporter)
  • Membership Development 
  • Political Involvement
  • Young Agents Meeting
  • And of course, the coveted Outstanding YAC of the Year award!

Your state YAC can apply in as many or as few categories as you like. At the discretion of the National YAC, Breakthrough YAC of the Year and YAC Innovator may also be presented.

Success comes in all sizes so whether your group is just starting out or you have an established YAC with lots of help, we want to hear from you! The application is designed for you to showcase your state's activities and highlight your greatest accomplishments from the past year. We encourage all states to apply! 

Click here to watch a recording from the National YAC about changes to the 2024 application.

Questions? YoungAgents@iiaba.net



  • Deadline for submissions is June 14, 2024.
  • All activities should have been conducted between May 1, 2023 and April 30, 2024.
  • Email your completed application to YoungAgents@iiaba.net. Please use the subject line [Your State] - YAC Awards Submission.


  • Category award judges are members of the Big "I" National Staff.
  • Each judge is responsible for evaluating all entries received in one award category.
  • Young Agents Platinum Sponsors are invited to judge Outstanding YAC of the Year.
  • The Outstanding YAC of the Year recipient is ineligible to win any other awards.
  • A state may win more than one category award, but only one Outstanding YAC of the Year award will be presented.
  • The National YAC may present more than one award per category based on the judging criteria.
  • Award winners are announced during a reception at the annual Big "I" Young Agents Leadership Institute (YALI).

Applications are due no later than June 14, 2024.

Questions? YoungAgents@iiaba.net



  • Deadline for applications is June 14, 2024 but...
  • Start the application EARLY! To truly leverage the application as a best practices tool, use the checklists throughout the year as you work towards your goals.
  • Commit to a laser focus. Be strategic and choose one or two awards to focus on based on the passion of the committee. This can be an especially good tactic for a committee that is  revitalizing.
  • Develop an awards application process. Decide who on your committee will contribute to, draft, and review the application. Don't wait until the last minute and have one person rush through the application. Assign specific tasks and set hard deadlines to keep everyone on task and on track.
  • Share your story! Use your essay to your story. Share your successes and failures, your strategies and goals, and let us know what made your committee outstanding. Include testimonials and measurable metrics to elaborate on and support your story, and most importantly, BE SPECIFIC!
  • Check out all our past YAC award winners!


What is your state Young Agents Committee passionate about? Where and how does the group want to make an impact in your state, in your community, and in the industry? How many people do you have to share the workload? How much time does each individual have to dedicate to the projects at hand?

As your YAC develops its annual plan of action, refer to the best practices checklists included in the Outstanding YAC Awards application packet. These checklists can and should become part of your state YAC playbook!

Political Involvement

Workfoce Development (formerly Invest Supporter)

Membership Development

Community Service

Young Agents Meeting

And don't forget to reach out to your National YAC for help throughout the year. These young agent leaders are here to help because when your committee succeeds, every member of the independent agency system succeeds.

Questions? YoungAgents@iiaba.net


  • Each year, the National YAC is proud to present two individual awards:
    • Young Agent of the Year
    • State Liaison of the Year
  • Young Agent of the Year is presented to an agent who provides exemplary service to his or her association, community, and the industry. This award will be presented during the Emerging Leaders Luncheon at the Legislative Conference. 
  • State Liaison of the Year is presented to a state association staff person who has provided outstanding support and leadership to his or her state YAC and/or young agents activities. This award will be presented during the Young Agents Leadership Institute (YALI).
  • State association staff, volunteer leaders, and other agency/carrier professionals are invited to submit nominations.

Nominations are due no later than June 14, 2024.

Questions? YoungAgents@iiaba.net

Young Agent of the Year Nomination Form

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Alexandria VA 22314
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fax: 703.683.7556
email: info@iiaba.net

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