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Young Agents State Liaison Toolkit: Outstanding YAC Awards


Each year, the Big “I” National Young Agents Committee recognizes state Young Agents groups that are leading the charge with innovative ideas and a passion for solidifying the future of the independent agency system. The goal is to help your state cultivate and inspire the next generation of independent agents and thought leaders while bringing together a community of emerging leaders to share ideas, new opportunities, and innovative practices with your peers. 


The application for the 2025 award cycle will open April 1, 2025. Applications for 2025 should be submitted by June 2, 2025. The application is composed of six sections: 

  • Community Service 
  • Membership Development
  • Political Involvement
  • Workforce Development (formerly Invest Supporter)
  • Young Agents Meeting
  • Outstanding YAC of the Year 
At the discretion of the National YAC, the following two awards may also be presented: Breakthrough YAC of the Year and Innovator of the Year. The National YAC may also decide to present more than one award for each category based on the judging criteria. The award categories are described in additional detail below. 

The application is a fillable PDF. A state will only be considered for the categories that are completed. You can apply for as many or as few categories as you would like! As part of the revamped application, the National YAC is asking for bullet point descriptions with each line being no more than 150 characters. This change was to make the application more accessible for any program to apply. 

If an submission does not follow the bullet point/character limit, it is ineligible for an award. 

For each category, you can submit up to SIX accomplishment statements (bullet points). Keep it short and sweet! We recommend removing “fluff” language. Focus on sharing the metrics and outcomes of all your hard work! The National YAC also recognizes that events across each state will look different. Any activity, any number of attendees, and anything your Young Agents Program has done is worthy of a submission!


The Outstanding Young Agents Awards are presented during the Young Agents Leadership Institute (YALI) each September. Prior to YALI, any state that submitted an application will be notified if they are a finalist for the award category. This change by the National YAC started in 2024. It provides multiple states the opportunity to share their award-winning strategies during the State Idea Share at YALI.  

If your state is selected as a finalist for an award category, you will receive one (1) complimentary YALI registration for a Young Agent attendee. Your state is required to attend the State Idea Share and present to the group. Failure to attend and present at the State Idea Share as a Finalist will disqualify you from winning an award. 

Award Categories

Community Service: For outstanding achievement in a project that benefits the community. For this award category, describe the process of how you identified a community need and a project that would serve those around you. Share any details on who was involved, how much funds/goods were raised, and the lasting impact the project will have on the community. 

2024 Award Winner - Georgia: The Chairman of the Young Agents Committee gets to select the Charity of the Year. The chair chose the James Eunice Foundation. James Eunice was a friend who tragically passed away at 17 in a hunting accident. Upon his death, his parents created a foundation to live on his legacy. The foundation has provided over 800 college scholarships to high school seniors in Georgia. The Young Agents of Georgia hosted a Golf Tournament, an annual event, where the proceeds from the event go to the Charity of the Year. The golf tournament hosted 144 golfers, 60 sponsors, and over 300 attendees. In total, $71,398 was presented to the foundation, the largest donation they had ever received. They will be able to fund scholarships for the next three years.  

Membership Development: For excellent achievement in recruiting and maintaining Young Agent participation in association activities. This award specifically focuses on the development of emerging leaders in your state. Include any engagement strategies your YAC has used to recruit new agent members. Describe any events or activities that you have led to keep retention of current members. Share how you grew the Young Agents program and any campaigns that were used to grow the program.

2024 Award Winner - South Carolina: An email was sent to all member Agency Principals throughout the state, requesting a reply with names of Young Agent employees in their offices to help maintain and grow an up-to-date Young Agents prospect list. Outreach includes invitations to the Golf Tournament, Young Agents Conference and other regional events, free of charge. Invitations were sent to new members and those who had not attended an event in 3+ years with a promo code to attend upcoming events. South Carolina has identified areas for Young Agents to serve as members on the Board and IIABSC Foundation Board. They also increased relations with company partners, extending invitations to Young Agents events to get agent recommendations and increased involvement.

Political Involvement: For outstanding achievement in Young Agent participation in the legislative process. Explain how your committee educates Young Agents about the importance of the legislation and political process. Provide any details or examples of ways your Young Agents have been involved in raising funds for InsurPac. 

2024 Award Winner - Alabama: The Young Agents of Alabama hosted a statewide Zoom call for all Young Agents and invited Molly Abboud from the Big “I” Government Affairs team to discuss legislative topics, InsurPac, and the upcoming Legislative Conference. They hosted a Big I Pac Golf Tournament and raised $18,896. A member of their committee serves as Legislative Chair and is highly involved in planning this event. They also hosted their own state-level Legislative Conference and sent five Young Agents to attend the national Legislative Conference in Washington D.C. 

Workforce Development (formerly Invest Supporter): For outstanding achievement in educating, training, and sustaining the current and future of the industry. In this category, highlight any general workforce development initiatives Young Agents are leading in your state. Include information about recruiting and training new talent, For example: Hosting pre-licensing events, inviting newly licensed agents to a Sales & Leadership Conference, implementing the Invest program in high schools, participating in career fairs, etc. 

2024 Award Winner - Kansas: Their YAK Chair attended a career fair with eight high schools and over 300 juniors, introducing students to various careers in the insurance industry. Other committee members provided educational presentations to high schools and middle schools, focusing on auto, home, and life insurance and the history, positions, and educational requirements of an insurance agency. Members of the YAK participated in a mixer with Kansas University Insurance & Real Estate Clubs, sponsored by KAIA, to build relations with potential, future industry professionals. Committee members also co-hosted the 2023 Fall Conference with KAIA, focusing sessions on sales and leadership to enhance professional development for current and future industry members. 

Young Agents Meeting: For excellence in providing and promoting an annual Young Agents meeting. Describe aspects of the meeting and how they positively impact emerging leaders who attended and their future in the independent agency system. Share any successes with marketing and fundraising campaigns. Provide details about the educational opportunities offered and examples of ongoing engagement with attendees. 

2024 Award Winner - Tennessee: In 2024, the Young Agents of Tennessee hosted their first Young Agents Conference since 2013. There were 162 Young Agents in attendance, a record for the association. The conference included a meet your YAC session, company trade show, evening social party, WINS breakout session, charity session, breakfast with Board president, and 2 CE sessions. 95% of respondents said they would recommend to a colleague and 92% indicated they would be likely or very likely to attend the 2025 Young Agents Conference. During the conference, they invited the Child Advocacy Center of Middle Tennessee to speak about what they do to support children who were victims of sexual assault. Attendees raised $1,750 for the organization during the conference. 

Outstanding YAC of the Year: In recognition of the outstanding efforts of a state Young Agents Committee to foster association growth and secure a future in the independent agency system. 

Breakthrough YAC of the Year: Selected by the National YAC and presented at their discretion, this award recognizes the efforts of a committee that has gone above and beyond in serving their Young Agent members. 

Innovator of the Year: Selected by the National YAC and presented at their discretion, this award is presented to a state in recognition of their innovative ideas and perseverance when serving their Young Agent members. 

Click here to view all previous winners of YAC awards. 

Individual Awards 

There are two additional awards given out each year to individuals: Young Agent of the Year and State Liaison of the Year. 

Young Agent of the Year: This award recognizes a Young Agent who provided exemplary service to their state association, their community, and/or the industry. Nominations are encouraged to be submitted by state association staff, state national directors, company partners, young professional peers, etc. This award is presented during the Emerging Leaders Luncheon at the Legislative Conference each spring.

Click here to download the nomination form. Nominations for Young Agent of the Year are now closed.

State Liaison of the Year: This award recognizes one state association staff person who has provided outstanding support and leadership to his or her state Young Agents program and/or YAC. State association staff, committee members, Young Agents, and other agency and/or carrier professionals are invited to submit a nomination. The award will be presented during the Awards Reception at the Young Agents Leadership Institute each fall. 

Last Updated: February 11, 2025
Originally Published: November 25, 2024
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