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As tough a sale as it is, life insurance can be sold. A far tougher sale is disability insurance. Most prospects do not understand statistically how likely they are to be disabled vs. deceased. This article provides some of those statistics, along with some coverage considerations!
Insurance (or assurance), as we understand the concept today, is more than 700 years old. But what events shaped our modern world of insurance? Following are some interesting facts, myths, and legends that helped mold the current insurance world in America.
An agent asks: I sold a life insurance Trust UL policy many, many years ago. The Doctor recently died. He had Option B (option 2). The face amount was $500,000 however it had built us $67.000. in cash value and the Trust was paid the total $567,000. They are asking if the cash value portion is taxable. I read where the $500,000. is not taxable but what about the cash value? The banks CPA didn’t know. Can you help me with this question?
Disabilities on the Rise in the U.S. Offering your insureds individual disability protection can help them recover after an unexpected accident or illness. The average wait time for a SSDI determination is 7.9 months. Can your clients afford to pay their bills if they are sidelines from their employment?
A business owner may be surprised to learn that a small loss to business property ends up with a much larger loss of income. That problem may be solved with a Business Interruption type of coverage. What is often overlooked is the problem that occurs when the business owner is disabled for a short time.
Current working partners have to find a way and method of buying out a deceased or permanently disabled member. A well prepared Buy-Sell agreement prepares for this possibility. Once again, insurance is the most secure funding method.
Independent agencies are not like many other businesses. They have unique cash management opportunities. A bank that recognizes this difference will offer a variety of specialized products, competitively priced, to help agents facilitate cash management and maximize value. Here is what you should be looking for....
Because a bank deposit is a loan from the customer to the bank, like any loan or contract in general, it’s quite possible that the bank’s promise to repay the loan (forgetting about interest for the moment) will not be kept. That's when federal deposit insurance steps in and here are the need-to-knows for this type of insurance.
Estate planning generally consists of a plan to distribute accumulated wealth upon death, using life insurance to protect survivors from financial distress, and minimizing taxes and expenses associated with this transfer of wealth. In this article, we'll explore some of the fundamental principles of estate planning.
ATMs revolutionized banking more than 25 years ago and today online banking is now commonplace. And, now a new banking product, remote deposit, is being utilized to greatly improve business efficiencies, particularly for busy independent agents.
Estate planning can be defined as planning for the transfer of wealth (a large amount, a small amount, or something in between) at a person’s death, and the making of certain legal and related arrangements for events associated with the time shortly before and after death. In this article, we'll examine a few of the important considerations in estate planning.
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Alexandria VA 22314
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