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When writing a PAP, the “risk” must meet specific eligibility guidelines. Five of these eligibility guidelines are discussed in this article.
ISO has introduced a major change to its Personal Auto program; the largest change in many years. As part of this change key provisions of the “base” PAP (PP 00 01) are being rewritten, new exclusions and exceptions are being added and new requirements are being placed on the insured. This article addresses to changes in the base PAP.
An ISO PAP is issued to mom and dad for 4 autos, 3 owned by dad and 1 owned by an adult son. Mom and dad drive 2 of the autos. The adult son that owns one of the autos drives it and lives in a separate household. The 4th auto is owned by dad but driven by another adult son who lives in his own, separate household. Are there any coverage problems?
State laws vary regarding auto policies, personal and commercial. Each state prescribes its own minimum limits and other required coverages. Some state require Uninsured Motorist (UM) and some states require Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM). Is it a Personal Injury Protection state (aka, No-Fault); or are you allowed to exclude a driver?
An agent asks: A vehicle is registered to a church that provides the vehicle to the senior pastor and his wife for their personal use. The vehicle is insured on the pastor's PAP and the church is not listed as an additional insured. The pastor and his wife use the vehicle mostly for their personal use but regularly drive it when handling business affairs of the church. What is the correct way to properly insure this risk?
As bells chime across the campus, and the familiar refrain of “Pomp and Circumstance” announces yet another graduating class, a milestone has been reached by both the graduates and their families. And as with so many of the major events in life, there are significant insurance issues that arise with high school or college graduation.
An agent asks: I'm working on establishing a standard office procedure for our office when dealing w/ divorce and personal auto policies. At what point are we able to remove the other party? If the first named insured sends in a copy of the formal divorce decree, are we able to then proceed with removing the other party?
Insurance Services Office (ISO) filed 30 changes to its personal auto program effective September 1, 2018. Don't find yourself behind the curve on the changes.
Most insurance agents “could write a book” about some of the choices consumers often make about their insurance protection. A prime example is the small commercial insured that has his company purchase an auto, which he then leases to himself (for a nominal fee). See any problems here?
Usage-based-insurance, UBI or telematics is here, though not yet widespread. However, eventually carriers will find a way to make telematics part of every driver’s life. Are there any up or down sides to this future?
Do you think your car can be “stolen” yet still be sitting in the parking lot or driveway with you in it? Well, evidently, it can – it’s called “Hacking.” Because of the technology found in new vehicles, hacker may be able to “steal” your car even though you are still in possession of it.
Regardless what the commercials tell us, personal auto coverage is not one-size-fits-all. Every insured has unique arrangements and exposures. These lead to uneasiness and questions – hopefully. This article attempts to answer three personal auto questions every agent needs to know how to answer.
Here’s your one-stop-shop for Liability Coverage for Trailer-Related Liability: Primary and Excess Protection.
Everyone thinks they pay too much for insurance, even those of us in the industry, just like we think we pay too much for gas, milk, shoes, and just about everything else. Likewise, we all want to save money whenever we can. Sometimes, however, the games that can be played with insurance pricing can get a little out of hand.
In a recent court case, the insured was injured in a collision between her vehicle and one driven by another party who apparently intentionally collided with her vehicle. The other party's insurer denied the claim because it was not accidental. When the insured turned to her carrier for payment for her injuries under UM coverage, the insurer denied the claim on the same was not accidental. Is that correct?
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