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VU Subscriptions


Annual Subscriptions

Non-Members/Affiliates Subscribe for $299.
Company PartnersRequest subscription link
All company partners who contribute $15,000 or more to IIABA partner programs are eligible for 10 complimentary subscriptions and a reduced rate.

Insurance Educators - Request subscription link
All insurance educators, any organization teaching Invest curriculum, and teachers at institutes of higher learning are eligible for a reduced subscription rate of $99.

Company and insurance educator subscriptions are subject to verification.

Big "I" Member Agencies and Employees Have Access to the VU as a Member Benefit! No Subscription Required.

If your agency is a member of the local IIABA state association, it is also a member of national and all you need are your sign in credentials.

Click here to recover your login and password.
Be sure everyone within the agency has their own information as it used for all member-only areas of the web.
​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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Independent Insurance Agents.