Pollution Solutions: Unbelievable Fun with Pollution Exclusions
Author: David Dybdahl
Many insurance buyers and sellers will find the actual effect of pollution exclusions on property and liability policies to be both enlightening and unbelievable. New environmental regulations, changes in social norms, and recent court decisions on denied pollution claims have brought the need for modern environmental insurance to main street U.S.A. businesses and the family farm.
This 30-page Big "I" Virtual University Risk & Reality Report will familiarize readers with the far-reaching effects of pollution exclusions and demonstrate how various environmental insurance products can be used to fill the resulting coverage gaps. The "fun" part will be in the eye of the beholder.
Educational objectives include:
- Understand the underlying risk and insurance issues relating to pollution, mold, and bacteria exclusions - Understand how to manage common forms of contamination risks - Develop an efficient working protocol to address these newly uninsured exposures - Prevent insurance agent/broker professional errors and omissions losses Author David Dybdahl is a 35-year insurance veteran who has served as the insurance broker on the clean-up operations of Chernobyl and as an expert witness and researcher for over a billion dollars in litigated pollution claims. What is a Big "I" Virtual University Risk & Reality Report?
Our Risk & Reality Reports are white papers adapted from various Big "I" Virtual University webinars and articles written by some of the industry's leading experts.