Apply for the Young Agent Committee of the Year Awards
Recognition line-up includes the new agent recognition award
Young Agents Committees across the nation are on the front-lines of an industry-wide challenge to attract and retain young professionals to the industry and association activities. As Big “I” and insurance champions, young agent committees are reenergizing events for professionals, helping their communities, politically involved and communicating their achievements and the voice of young professionals with prowess.
Each year, the Big “I” national Young Agents Committee recognizes state young agent committees of all sizes and budgets for their outstanding achievements. The Outstanding Young Agent Committee of the Year Awards recognize the efforts and successes in the areas of communication, committee project (community/industry service), meeting, political involvement, InVEST supporter and membership development. In addition to the category awards committees can also apply for the Outstanding YAC of the Year and the Breakthrough Committee which is presented to a committee that has not applied for an award in the last 3 years.
The committee will also recognize two individuals for their exemplary service to the association and the industry. New for 2014 a national Outstanding Young Agent of the Year will be recognized in addition to the Outstanding Young Agent Liaison (association staffer) of the year.