It’s simple really. We use the Trusted Choice brand. Trusted Choice is making millions of consumer impressions each year because collectively independent agents are embracing the brand. At Hartland Insurance in Hartland Michigan, we’ve include the logo in our TV commercials, taglines, local networking organizations and everything in between. As the independent agent brand grows stronger so does your agency. And the best part? Using the brand is free if you’re an IIABA member, you can use Trusted Choice marketing materials and have them customized with your agencies logo and contact information—at no cost to you. This includes the new consumer-tested Freedom Campaign materials (link to collabo center?).
Don’t forget your website. It’s important to include the logo and the pledge of performance, your promise to your clients, online as well. The more we all use it, the easier it is for online search engines like Google or Bing to find the local independent agent--yes that’s you. As the next generation becomes young agents, and young agents become principals, we have an opportunity to infiltrate the web, local search, social media, chamber meetings and Main Street with the Trusted Choice brand. It’s what sets us apart from directs and captives. Our Main Street presence as the Trusted Choice agency across from the coffee shop, near florist, in the same shopping center as the hardware store is priceless and by embracing the brand we send a powerful message. Trusted Choice agents are in your hometown, your advocates and your neighbors.
Doug Fairbanks, CIC, AAI, CAWC is a producer with Hartland Insurance, Hartland Michigan and a member of the Big “I” national Young Agents Committee.