First off I would like to thank the IIABA and the Big “I” of South Dakota for a wonderful week of events in Washington DC. It was an honor to attend as the Maurice Herndon Scholarship winner and I am highly anticipating next year’s convention.
As a fairly new Young Agent I’ve been privileged in many respects to work where I do. Just a couple years ago I began my career with Fischer, Rounds & Associates, Inc. in Pierre, SD. I feel I couldn’t have chosen a better agency to begin a career with insurance. FRA has been more than supportive of my education and career building skills and knowledge and I have strong feelings of gratitude and loyalty to my family of FRA peeps. Yes, I say family because that is what you become when you work at FRA. FRA has given me the abilities and encouragement to become more involved in our industry and education which has led me to the Big “I”.
Joining the Big “I” as a Young Agent has been one of my best decisions regarding my career. And the best part of being a Young Agent has been the Washington D.C. Legislative Conference which I attended this last April. I thoroughly enjoyed the many speakers and events during the conference and found interesting the politician’s speeches… Rep. Jeb Hensarling and Sen. Mark Warner had compelling talks of our national debt and Rep. Juan Vargas gave a comical yet powerful speech to us over a luncheon.
I was also very happy to see such a wide range of topics covered during the conference. Already being a Fox News fan from the Heartland I found the Fox News panel debate with Dana Perino and Juan Williams very exciting! They were able to discuss left and right views on issues from fiscal responsibility to national healthcare to national security and ending by encouraging us agents to speak up to our legislators because it DOES make a difference and they depend on us for explaining our issues to them with real world examples. Over this last year I have found we can make a difference in how our local legislators vote and believe it to be just as true for our federal representatives.
I certainly recommend any remotely interested agent join their local Young Agents and to take advantage of all that is offered to them. Young Agents have committed a positive investment in their own future and careers. What better way to prepare for your future than to join those with the same goals as you!
Josh Gilkerson
Fischer, Rounds & Associates, Inc.