Jill Roth N.J. native, D.C. area resident wears many hats. She's an account executive with Ahart, Frinzi & Smith, a family owned agency. She works in the Alexandria, Va. office with her brother Mark. She's one of four national YAC committee members and has also volunteered with IIVA young agents. Her most important title though is mom.
I celebrated my first Mother’s Day last weekend. It was everything I’d hoped: relaxing, fulfilling and an all around happy day. I spent quality time with my baby boy, husband and in-laws. After the day’s festivities, I was able to reflect a bit and was amazed how different and crazy my life has changed in one year.
Prior to having a baby, I used to think I could never get enough done at the office. I couldn’t finish my tasks, couldn’t learn quickly enough and couldn’t produce as much business as I was expected. There was never enough time in the day.
Then I got pregnant. The utter exhaustion that comes with a new pregnancy is an understatement. I would have to take naps before driving home from work because I was so tired. In addition to the never-ending workload at the office, I had to prepare my home for a new baby. There was so much to get done-and I just didn’t have the time or energy to do it.
As time progressed and my belly got larger, I learned a very valuable lesson: As long as I knew that I was working hard and maximizing my capabilities, I had to be okay with the end results. Even if the pile of work on my desk seemed to stay at the same height. Even if my “to do” list continued to grow. I put as much possible energy into my workday and that was all anyone could ask of me.
I couldn’t wait for maternity leave. Three whole months of no work! All I had to do was take care of a baby. No sweat. My life was about to get so much easier!
WOW. I can’t believe I ever thought a newborn would be easy. I can vividly remember the day I called my mom crying tears of joy because I got 3 continuous hours of sleep. I explained to her that I felt as though I couldn’t finish my tasks, couldn’t learn quickly enough…and then stopped in my tracks. This sounded so familiar! After my third double espresso, I reminded myself of that valuable lesson: “As long as I know I’m doing everything I can-its all going to be okay.”
I laugh at the beginning of my career when I thought I would never get caught up. I can get that workload finished in one day now. Rather than use that extra 15 minutes for sleeping in, I now use that time to make a few calls. Rather than booking lunch dates with friends, I take that lunch hour to connect with a prospective client, or catch up with an existing client. Rather than cashing my commission check for a few rounds at happy hour, I’m stopping by Target to pick up some diapers, strategically mapping my route so that I can get to the nanny’s on time to pick up my baby.

Being a mom is the best time management crash course one can take. I could once put a task aside for the next day if it wasn’t urgent. I can’t really push aside a dirty diaper. I’ve learned to put my most time sensitive tasks at the top of my list and take advantage of each minute in the day. I’ve learned that I can walk a 70 lb black lab, while pushing a stroller and tuning into a conference call all at the same time. I’ve learned that every time I say I’ve reached my maximum limit-I somehow have it in me to give more.
Moms are amazing people. I feel so privileged to include myself in this group.
Mother’s Day not only gave me the opportunity to reflect, but to truly thank my own mom. I never understood the difficulties included with this unbelievable gift. So for all of you working moms out there, go grab yourself another coffee and take a deep breathe. You can do this.
Yes... That is my son, in a Trusted Choice onsie. >>