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Interface and Communications

The original document on agency preferences for carrier electronic communications was published in January 2006. This report and the spreadsheet have been updated by the ACT Carrier Communications Work Group to reflect agency preferences for these communications and transactions in light of the continued evolution of technology over the last seven years. The work group believes moving to these recommendations will benefit both agencies and carriers.
This report, developed by the Agency Real-Time Experience Work Group of the Real Time/Download Campaign, will provide a very useful roadmap for carriers and vendors whether they are implementing real-time transactions for the first time or enhancing and expanding their current real-time capabilities. This implementation tool spells out the 'best practice' real-time workflows which agencies would like to have and which some carriers are already delivering. For real-time implementation to continue to grow among agencies, we need to achieve more consistency in the real-time transactions that are offered to agencies across carriers and lines of business coupled with better performance from those transactions.
Along with inquiry, these are the most important real-time transactions for agents. The report spells out the agents' business requirements for these transactions.
This article provides a good summary of the key agent related technology issues that were discussed at the ACT, AUGIE, & State Technology Liaison Meetings in September, 2006, including the industry's real-time campaign, security and identity theft, and the agreed upon industry 'Must Do' issues, to name a few.
American citizens are becoming increasingly concerned with the privacy of their health and other personal information. Clients want to know that their agents and brokers have taken the steps necessary to safeguard the private information that they obtain on them and that this information is only used for permitted business purposes.
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