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ACT Partners

Established in January 1999, ACT is a program within the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America (IIABA).  We provide an open, neutral forum through our partnership with independent agents & brokers, carriers, technology vendors, user groups and associations, to share insights and create awareness, resources and thought leadership for Big 'I' agent members. ACT is dedicated to helping independent agents achieve their strategic goals through effective use of technology.

ACT provides the opportunity for participants to understand the perspectives of the other stakeholders in the process and provides excellent networking opportunities with the participants who are shaping the future of the industry.

This report reviews ACT's key 2024 accomplishments and details our strategic plans for 2025. Listed are partner engagement activities, industry involvement, marketing and social media efforts, work group initiatives, event information including webinars and panel engagements and support of other industry initiatives & associations.
This report reviews ACT's key 2023 accomplishments and details our strategic plans for 2024. Listed are Work Groups, communications, and support of other industry initiatives & associations.
Materials for ACT Supporting Partners to use to show how they help the insurance industry and independent agency distribution channel.
This document reviews ACT's mission and the benefits of partnership.
ACT Supporting Partners engage through work groups, webinars, industry alignment meetings, presentations and panels. They share and gain insights, create awareness, and foster thought leadership, all while making valuable connections with other industry stakeholders and contributing to the technology conversations that are shaping our industry into the future.
The IIABA Chairman (with the advice and consent of the IIABA Executive Committee) appoints this committee each year and the terms run from September 1—August 31. The ACT Steering Committee provides oversight on the overall direction of ACT.
Marketing materials you can use to promote ACT resources.
​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556
email: info@iiaba.net

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Independent Insurance Agents.
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