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Disgruntled and Gruntled Clients

Author: Chris Boggs

Agents live and work in a wondrous world. Everyday offers opportunities, some taken, and some missed. But the most entertaining part of any agent's day is their interactions with their clients. Without clients, you have no business; likewise, without clients we would have nothing to laugh about.

If your clients don't do or say things you can laugh about or talk about at parties, you need new clients. Reportedly every one of the following stories is true. Names have been left out to protect the innocent (and any liars).


A female prospect walks into the agency and asks, “Do you provide insurance for turkeys?" The agent responds with a puzzled look, “Excuse me, I don't quite understand." Again, the prospect asks in a slower and more deliberate tone, “Do you insure turkeys?"

“Yes, ma'am. We have two carriers that offer great farm programs," responds the agent.

The lady responds, “You don't understand me at all. I need to know if you can write life insurance on my husband."


One of our CSRs received a call from a distressed client. The client said, “I just backed into a lady in the parking lot."

The CSR said, “Oh wow; is everyone OK?"

Our insured said, “Well, she got up."


“I've been paying for insurance for thirty years and I've never had a loss. This is such a racket," said my insured.

I looked at him and asked, “Would you like a loss?"

My insured looked at me with a surprised look on his face, “What? What do you mean?"

“Well," I said, “if you will go on vacation for a couple weeks I'll get with my cousin, Jimmy, and arrange for a homeowners' loss so you can get what you deserve from the insurance carrier."

“I, I don't want to go through something like that," the insured stammered.

“Then quit complaining about never having had a loss and just be thankful you haven't," I said.


My insured HATED having to pay for a flood policy. He complained every year; but he knew he had no choice because of his mortgage. The day after he paid off his mortgage he came to my office with his flood policy in his hand – while standing outside my office he took a lighter and burned his flood policy to ashes. Being an agent who believes in documentation, I took a picture of him doing this and put it in his file.


Shame on me, but I hadn't talked to the president of one of my insured entities in quite a while. Generally, I dealt with his wife. One day he came to the office to get some paperwork handled. He was talking and working with the CSR, so I wasn't even aware he was in the office.

I walked out of my office and began talking with him; during the conversation I introduced myself (out of the corner of my eye I saw the CSR trying to stop me).

My insured responded, “I know, you're my agent."

The only thing that came to my mind was to say, “Wow, I didn't recognize you; did you get taller?"


At a renewal meeting with a client, I was attempting to get into one of those very high drafting chairs. The chair rolled out from under me and I found myself face down on the floor.

As I stood up, wiped off my suit and fixed my tie, I looked my insured in the eye and said, “Do we really have to go over the renewal now? I know you have good coverage and I don't want to put it to use."

We kept the account.


Without our clients, we have no business and we have no fun. Enjoy the freedom to make fun of this business.

Last Updated: April 14, 2018

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