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The Psychology of Downed Trees

Author: Chris Boggs

Many of us have watched with intense emotions the news reports coming out of Florida documenting Hurricane Ian's devastation. Category 4 winds, in excess of 130 MPH, combined with days of soaking rain will disrupt Texan's lives for months, maybe years.

Undoubtedly everyone's first concern is safety. If you've ever experienced a hurricane from inside the walls (I've been through four), you are just grateful that you and your family came out the other side unharmed. Once that relief "wears off," your attention turns to your stuff: your house, car and other personal property. The elation of being unharmed fades and the reality takes over that you have no place to live, no car to drive or your personal belongings are destroyed. Soon after this reality, anger erupts.

Relief transitions to anger like a snap of the fingers following a communal catastrophe. Yes, this same transition occurs following an individual catastrophe, such as a house fire, but that transition seems more gradual and occurs over a longer period. Not being a trained psychologist, I can only speculate upon the reason for the timing difference. My theory is that the quicker transition results from the community-wide pain rather than individual pain. We are reared to despise perceived injustice against others but are more tolerant towards perceived injustice experienced individually.

In short, if it's just me, I think I'm just feeling sorry for myself; and my mother never allowed that "luxury." But when others are involved and hurting, my anger is vindicated and seems "righteous." "Why aren't you taking care of the community and all those who are hurting," sounds better, feels better, and is more natural and less self-centered than, "Why aren't you taking care of me," - at least in the short term.

According to the article, Psychological Effects of Emergencies published on the American Museum of Natural History website, there are six phases or stages of natural disasters:

  1. The Warning Stage – As the phase name suggests, this is the phase where the warning is sounded;
  2. The Impact Stage – The storm hits;
  3. The Action Stage – This is characterized in the article is the "go mode." Individuals are in survival mode, doing what is necessary to survive; property is of secondary concern;
  4. The Honeymoon Stage – Victims are relieved the catastrophe is passed and there is little to no personal injury;
  5. The Inventory Stage – This is when reality sets in and the full effect of the storm is realized; and
  6. The Recovery Stage – This is the longest phase marked by the time necessary to recover financially, physically (recover or rebuild property) and emotionally.

The anger switch is flipped between the "Honeymoon" stage and the "Inventory" stage. During the "inventory" stage, expect to receive phone calls and emails from ANGRY insureds.

  • "Why haven't I heard from a claims adjuster?"
  • "I haven't heard anything from my carrier for two weeks."
  • "Where is my check?"
  • "Are they going to pay? When are they going to decide?"
  • "The adjuster said something about not having the right coverage, what does he mean?"
  • "You mean flood wasn't covered?"
  • "Why haven't you come by to look at the damage?"
  • "My neighbor got paid for "X," why didn't I?"
  • "When is someone going to get these trees off my roof?"
  • "When is the carrier going to remove these trees from my yard?"
  • "When can I start rebuilding?"
  • "How do I pay for my hotel bills while out of my house?" "What about additional food costs?"

This is but a sampling of the calls agents receive following a collective catastrophe. The agent may not have the answers; in fact, there may not be answers to some question. Regardless, the agent must know how to deal with the anger.

Knowing the angry calls are coming is the first step toward managing them. Second, the agent must know what is happening in the area. Is the CAT team on the ground? How are they proceeding? When might they get to the insured or their neighborhoods? All this requires intelligence. This is not intelligence as in "smarts," but military-like intelligence – knowledge. Attempt to set up communication with the CAT team managers so that regular updates on progress can be passed along to insureds.

Another key step is to develop a simple, bullet-point frequently asked questions (FAQ) sheets for staff and to give to clients. Lack of knowledge during the "inventory" phase contributes as much to anger as anything surrounding the damage. Agents must strive to be the source of information – even for things that have nothing to do with insurance such as:

  • Where fresh water is (or was) available;
  • Where fuel for generators can be obtained;
  • What gas stations are open; and
  • Which stores are open.

Storm victims need to feel some level of control to move through and past the "inventory" stage. Knowledge allows that level or feeling of control. Provide clients as much information as possible – even if it's news they may not want to hear (such as losses that aren't covered or delays in processing); not knowing is worse than knowing and being able to make alternate plans. Bad news early is preferable to bad news withheld.

"Recovery" is the longest phase. Getting back to a level of normalcy such as existed prior to the storm may take months or years. The "recovery" phase doesn't end until the insured is back in their permanent living situation (home, condo or apartment).

But even if the insured never loses the use of his home, the recovery period lasts as long as the chainsaws are roaring. What do I mean by this? As I mentioned, I have experienced four hurricanes; but the two most impactful on me were Hurricane Hugo (1989) and Hurricane Fran (1996).

Luckily, I was in college in Virginia when Hugo devastated Charleston, SC and travelled up through the lowlands into Charlotte, NC and points north. But both my parents and in-laws suffered damage in the storm. Thankfully, neither were forced out of their home; but the sound of chainsaws continued for months after the storm.

Although my parents were spared any devastating property damage, every day they lived with the resulting sound of the storm – chainsaws. Trees blocked roads and driveways, filled yards, and littered neighborhoods. All these trees had to be cut and removed; there was so much noise from chainsaws that the local AM radio station (1110 WBT) recorded a song about chainsaws utilizing the sounds of chainsaws. It was sung to the music of the TV show Rawhide and called, you guessed it, "Chainsaw."

Charleston, SC, the city that experienced Hugo's most damaging winds, lost thousands of trees and experienced the same chainsaw sounds months after the storm. My wife's brother was married in Charleston two months after the storm. Even on his wedding day, I heard the sound of chainsaws in the distance.

Hurricane Fran in 1996 resulted in the same incredible loss of trees in my area. I lost many trees in my yard. My wife and I cut and burned trees for months. Even though the only insured property damage we experienced was a tree falling on my wife's car, I still had to undertake the cutting up and removal of a dozen or so downed trees.

Why am I making such a big deal about downed trees and chainsaws? That's part of the psychology of the storm and the "recovery" stage. Lives do not get back to normal until after all the downed trees are gone and the sounds of the chainsaws cease. Even today, 21 years later, the sound of a chainsaw reminds me of Hurricane Fran. My dad says the same about Hurricane Hugo (28 years ago).

Hurricane Ian victims are sure to go through these same phases; as will every victim of every community-wide disaster this year, next year and all years hereafter. Agents truly are trusted advisors and community leaders, and as such must be ready to help insureds and others through the phases of storm recovery. Agents must:

  • Be ready;
  • Be patient;
  • Be knowledgeable; and
  • Be available.

Insurance is a people business and at times agents deal with people who are hurting, scared, or confused. This is not weakness, this is the psychology of downed trees. 

Last Updated: September 30, 2022

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