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SignOn Once—Sounds Nice, Doesn’t It!

Author: Peggy Scott and Alicia Rawnsley
What if you could sign on just once from the agency end and securely access your carrier systems? SignOn Once, created by insurance industry coalition ID Federation, is gearing up for its next phase in the adoption and implementation process, with the ultimate goal of providing an automated, standard, streamlined, secure way to access the systems of multiple carrier partners.
SignOn Once will provide a security token within the agency management system that is recognizable by carrier systems. It benefits carriers because it increases the security of access to their proprietary systems. It benefits agencies because they no longer have to manage multiple log-on user IDs and passwords for the many carriers they work with. If an employee leaves the agency, he immediately loses access to carrier systems that participate in SignOn Once.
The token resides within the agency management system and is transmitted to the carrier when the agent signs on. The carrier system recognizes the token and automatically approves acceptance. The agent doesn’t have to keep typing in different user IDs and passwords for each carrier partner. Since the technology works within the agency management system, the agency administrator would need to be trained on SignOn Once, but it should be invisibly and seamlessly integrated into agents’ workflow, making training and the learning curve, which hamstring many technology and security initiatives, a non-issue. Basically, the only thing agents would notice when they sign on is that they no longer need individual log-on IDs and passwords.
So, now that everyone sees the benefits and wants it tomorrow, the question is: How soon can you get it?
SignOn Once is currently going through a sequential development process. The technology framework is complete, so there is a technical specification for tech teams to sink their teeth into. The legal framework is also done, which means contractual details on liability, ownership, costs, etc. are ironed out. The next step is getting the certification process completed.
Certification is critical for all parties’ (agency, carrier and vendor partners) adoption of SignOn Once. All parties want to know that the entire technology is completely secure and all parties to the system have demonstrably met all the standards. Certification is expected to be available sometime in the third quarter of this year.
Adoption of SignOn Once by carriers should follow. Insurers that are already automated are the most likely users. Carriers that predominantly use paper, may be less likely to participate, though the door is open. The business committee at ID Federation will help with marketing and awareness of the product, and the two largest agency management system vendors in the country – Applied and Vertafore – are expected to begin implementing the technology into their current and new systems, though they might opt to retrofit back a generation as well. The implementation date isn’t yet known, but the certification rollout is the first step.
Other agency management systems providers are welcome to participate in SignOn Once. They should contact ID Federation to learn more about adoption. If a carrier partner doesn’t adopt the system, sign-on will be handled the old way. It’s important to understand that there will be a hybrid sign-on system for some time since not all carriers will adopt and implement at the same time.
Some major brokerages may opt to be their own sign-on provider; for example, BB&T worked with The Hartford to build its own secure sign-on infrastructure as the original proof of concept. Those with the resources could do that for each of their carrier partners using the SignOn Once specifications and certification to achieve a similar efficiency. For most, however, SignOn Once will be the optimal out-of-the-box solution.
Looking down the road, the three parties – agency, carrier and ID provider (your agency management system in most cases) – could realize efficiency in download and real-time quoting with potential for even further applications as the system matures. The key is the certified standards behind secure log-on that reduce agent time at the keyboard and increase protections against unauthorized access to carrier systems. We’re getting closer. Look for certification standards this fall and adoption into agency management systems and carrier systems thereafter. You’ll be hearing more about this as key steps are completed, so stay tuned. 
Peggy Scott is VP of commercial insurance distribution operations at Liberty Mutual Insurance.
Alicia Rawnsley is director of special projects at Liberty Mutual Insurance.
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