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Getting the MOST Out of Your ACT Membership

From the March 2017 ACT Meeting

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A record number of attendees—including the most first-timer attendees ever since the organization was created in 1999—were on hand for the ACT 2017 Annual Meeting in Nashville. The meeting was held in conjunction with NetVU17, the conference for the Network of Vertafore Users. 

So it's only right that we started off the meeting discussing insights on how to really get the most out of ACT membership. In addition to resources on our ACT website and the educational monthly newsletter, ACT News: 

  • Supporting ACT members (Carriers and vendors) can hold periodic calls with the ACT leadership team, discussing industry tech trends, ACT work group involvement, and engage ACT reps in-person at company meetings. 

  • In addition, ACT can provide tailored webinars and hands-on user group involvement. 

  • For agent and state association members, ACT provides ongoing access to the ACT leadership team, consulting on trends, speaker and/or panel involvement at meetings. 

As further examples, three carrier members shared in the meeting how they are maximizing their involvement in ACT and equiping their fellow employees and agents with additional knowledge:


Sarah Crowley, Westfield

"I'm on the agency interface team at Westfield, and we have a great relationship with ACT. Ron [Berg] is on our agency automation advisory group, which meets three times a year via conference calls and one onsite meeting. Ron recently presented on the topic of security to the advisory group. 

"ACT helps us pay attention to industry trends to share with our business partners—for example, the e-signature acceptance policy we are looking at enacting, as well as paperless and expanded download services."


Dan Goodwin, Nationwide

"We get a lot out of our partnership and involvement with ACT. It comes down to networking, and coming to these events has been outstanding. You start learning that we're not unique in that we have the same challenges as others in the industry. You share opportunities and come up with common solutions.  

"I reach out to the ACT leadership on different projects and initiatives I am working on and ask who should I be talking with in our ACT network for insight and assistance, and I am connected with those people. We also discuss the industry five-year trends and needs to help ensure Nationwide strategically aligns. ACT gives a holistic view of our industry and helps provide Nationwide a view outside our day-to-day operations and perception of the industry."


Alvito Vaz, Travelers

Alvito Vaz from Travelers said he has seen ACT grow from 10 people around the table at the first meeting to over 150 people in the room today. He has observed the benefits of getting industry participation on setting direction and driving technology change. He also said the consistency of direction, at an industry level, can help shape internal decisions. Examples provided included getting input from ACT in setting direction for Travelers e-signature efforts and sharing information with the Travelers' legal team on agency technology agreements.  

Another benefit of ACT participation Alvito mentioned was the personal contacts made at the meetings. An example was when he contacted another ACT member to get assistance on implementing an ACORD standard for a specific vendor's product. 

icon2march2017actmeeting.jpgFROM THE EDITOR: ACT is an industry resource for all members – and free to Big 'I' independent agents & brokers. We're financially supported by our carrier, vendor, association, and consultant members – A huge THANK YOU to them! If you're interested in talking about how to get more from your ACT Membership, please contact

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