Big “I” Launches Revamped IA Magazine
Publications relaunch includes new print magazine, website, iPad app and enewsletters.
You can now read IA magazine on the go on your iPad. Go to the iTunes store and search “IA magazine” to download IA today. The new IA magazine website offers a brand-new look and feel, bringing you a dynamic new experience complete with a more user-friendly structure, daily article posts and even responsive designs—meaning your screen will automatically adapt to whatever device you’re using to view the website. This month, IA will also launch a new suite of email newsletters for agents to bring them the latest industry news and analysis.
The relaunch is the culmination of more than a year of researching the information agents want and where and how they want to read it. Leverage the IA brand in reaching your distribution force. For information on advertising with IA, contact Diane Rusignola, associate publisher.