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Connect with the Next Generation of Agents

Take advantage of Big “I” national Young Agents opportunities.

Support the nation’s best and brightest, sponsor the Big “I” national Young Agents program.
The young agents program is led by the national Young Agents Committee-- a team of five young insurance professional volunteers representing different regions of the U.S. Each year, the Young Agents programs offer two opportunities for young insurance professionals from all over the U.S. to connect in person and learn leadership, sales and marketing techniques. The attendees of these events are the industry’s best and brightest.

The first opportunity is in conjunction with the Big “I” Legislative Conference, April 9-11 in Washington, D.C.  Agents who attend this event are dedicated to protecting the industry and companies that  sponsor one of the Young Agent opportunities at this event get the benefit of networking with young professionals invested in the future of the industry, with the company’s brand visible to many of the industry's leading decision makers.

The second event is the Big “I” Young Agents Leadership Institute, scheduled this year for  Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept. 12-13. The Big "I" Young Agents Leadership Institute offers interactive sessions and leadership training to help young agents sell and lead. They're motivated influencers and decision-makers who will be leading the way for young professionals in the industry. Company partners that support this event showcase their brand with the best and the brightest young agent superstars.
If you are looking for a sponsorship that delivers a take-a-way, there are plenty of branding opportunities, such as flash drives. If education would align more with your mission, support an education session. The scholarship sponsorships are also an excellent way to help engage more young insurance professionals, creating lasting relationships.
To learn about sponsorship opportunities, contact Diane Mattis, assistant vice president of agent development, to secure your place as a supporter today.
​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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