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Network with Agents and Brokers in Washington, D.C.

Attend the Big “I” Legislative Conference April 9-11.

Support the Big “I” Legislative Conference and get to know the agents invested in protecting the future of the independent agency system. Each spring, independent agents from across the nation converge on Capitol Hill to speak with their legislators. Opportunities are still available for your brand to be front and center at many high-profile events including the Legislative Breakfast, receptions and General Session.
Program Highlights
Before heading to Capitol Hill on Thursday, attendees will hear from two prominent legislators who will share their perspective on the state of the nation and the insurance industry during the legislative breakfast.

After a day on the hill, attendees will wind down and help support the industry at YAC Gives Back: A Benefit for InVEST Scholarships. This event raises more than $50,000 annually for InVEST graduates who want to pursue a career in insurance. Learn how you can make a difference by donating to the InVEST Scholarship Fund.
The conference will wrap-up with the General Session on Friday morning, which kicks off with a state of the association address by Big “I” Chairman Tom Minkler. Next, Kelley McDonald of McDonald Marketing and best-selling author of “How to Market to People Not Like You” will share strategies to help agents grow their business by reaching more diverse customers. To end the session, Big “I” President & CEO Bob Rusbuldt will moderate a political panel with political analysts Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala.  
Sponsorship Opportunities
Be part of the independent agency system’s the legislative event of the year, contact Beth Montgomery, VP company relations. Want to help your appointed agents attend? The Big “I” offers two scholarship opportunities you can promote. The deadline for first-time Young Agent scholarships and the InsurPac Grassroots Scholarship Program is March 14, 2014.
Make Your Travel Plans Now
This year’s event will take place April 9-11 in at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Find out more.
For Big “I” Legislative Conference programming updates, check out the Big “I” website.
​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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