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Creating Better Places to Work

Author: JoAnna Brandi

I believe that many businesses have been negatively focused. And, that as time goes on, more and more people are coming to the relatively common sense notion that we'd all get more done at work if we were a little bit happier about being there. Research is proving that so. Gallup reports that nine out of ten people are more productive when they are around positive people. 


You may have noticed that my tips of late have been decidedly focused creating more POSITIVE experiences with customers and co-workers (and even with yourself.) As many of you know, last year I became an Authentic Happiness Coach. (I know it sounds funny, it's actually kind of serious.)

Over the course of four years, Dr. Martin Seligman, the "father" of positive psychology trained one thousand people from around the world to be his "Vanguard" and spread his teaching. We came from diverse field such as education, medicine, psychotherapy and business. We paid for the privilege of studying with him, his colleagues and our 20 or so "Pod" members for six months.  What a terrific experience for me!

I had the best of the best to study with and then a diverse, bright, inquisitive group with whom to discuss the issues and do the homework. Challenging? You bet.

I didn't want it to end. And it really hasn't – there's a group of about 15 of us from around the world that are talking every two weeks about how to bring this life-altering outlook to business. We're in the process of putting together our first book proposal and it's very exciting.

I believe that many businesses have been negatively focused. And, that as time goes on, more and more people are coming to the relatively common sense notion that we'd all get more done at work if we were a little bit happier about being there. Research is proving that so. Gallup reports that nine out of ten people are more productive when they are around positive people. (Works for me.)

Even those of you that are already in those warm and nurturing cultures, the ones winning the awards as "great companies to work for" know: there's always some improvement that could be made to make it a nicer place to work. My little group, the Positive Workplace Alliance is out to discover more and more tools that will help companies do that.

When you love your job and where your work it makes you feel good. It fills you up with accomplishment and pride and gives you the confidence to stretch even further. When you feel good about where you spend your 40 or 60 hours a week the experience invigorates you and you become smarter.

When you are experiencing a positive emotion it produces a state of well-being, releases hormones that help you relax and get into the "flow." Endorphins, dopamine and hundreds of other biochemicals flood your system. They help you build resilience and increase your T-cells. They keep you healthier. They open your brain up to new possibilities as your brain experiences the "Broaden and Build" response and for a short time allows you to think differently – wider, more expansive and wholistic.

So you'll forgive me over the next few months if hear about things like happiness and trust and building resilience – I'm immersed and excited. And I'm seeing all this happiness and well being show up at my clients. And they are seeing it show up in their customers. (Oh yeah, and in the bottom line too!)

Is it an overnight change? No way. It's a slow and gradual changing. Culture is like that. The old one is deeply ingrained and it takes a while to change. Reports from the field: people are changing the way they are thinking and the way they are relating to one another as a result of our tips, the Customer Care Coach ® program, and our consulting and training practice.

Drip by drip, drop by drop, the workplace is beginning to change. People are asking new questions, "What's possible?" not just "What's wrong." "What's right?" rather than "Who's to blame?"

Everyone makes a difference. Your behavior, my behavior, it all matters. Customer caring is about company caring – and the bottom line – it's about your caring. As each and every one of us takes a step forward to make our OWN world a better place, we take a step towards making the whole world a better place.

And we can do it without ever leaving home. Cool. Here's a few things you can do today:

  • Change your language to reflect a more positive attitude.

  • Let the voice of YES inside you be stronger than the voice of No inside you.

  • Shine the light on what's right.

  • Appreciate all the people around you.

  • Turn on your inner smile and then crank it up and share it.

  • Focus on creating value.

It all starts with you! When you get a little more conscious, you do things differently, then you get different results. You'll see what I mean. Remember, organizations don't change people do!

Have a happy day!



JoAnna Brandi is Publisher of the Customer Care Coach® a weekly training program on mastering "The Art and Science of Exquisite Customer Care." She is the author of books such as "Winning at Customer Retention - 101 Ways to Keep 'em Happy, Keep 'em Loyal, and Keep 'em Coming Back" and "Building Customer Loyalty - 21 Essential Elements in ACTION."  
A Speaker and consultant, she is publisher of the bi-weekly Customer Care Tips Bulletin. To receive her free bi-weekly tips bulletin, sign up at You can also reach JoAnna at 561-279-0027 or e-mail

Copyright 2006 by JoAnna Brandi. Used with permission.

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