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Soft Boiled Service

Author: JoAnna Brandi

For a moment I was angry (not to mention hungry) and then I realized what a gift I had in my hands. What a perfect way to talk about well intentioned service that goes bad - what a perfect metaphor for what happens when we promise a customer something special (thereby raising their expectation) and then don't deliver.


I arrived at the Milwaukee Athletic Club in time for dinner. I was thrilled that my client was holding our full day Saturday workshop there since I am especially fond of Athletic Clubs - they are usually housed in nice downtown buildings, have well appointed rooms, serve healthy foods, and have that sophisticated "clubby" feel.


After two weeks of Marriot Courtyards, Hilton and Hampton Inns (lovely as they are), the change was welcome. As I always do on check in, I inquired about where to have dinner and very importantly where to have a hearty protein based breakfast. Standing at the front of the room for a whole day takes stable blood sugar and lots of energy. I wanted to get powered up.

The receptionist told me that on Saturdays they served a continental breakfast on the third floor at 7. That wouldn't do, so I inquired about places where I might get what I needed and was told that down the block was a suitable place. She thought they opened at 6:30. Wow, I'm thinking, I've got to be setting up by 7:30, I can do it, but I sure hate to get up earlier, it's been a long busy week.

So off I go to dinner. I order a delicious Niciose Salad - light, refreshing and made with grilled shrimp. Yum. Greens, eggs and olives to boot. I'm happy.

Once I get sight of the salad, I get an idea and ask the server to ask the chef to do me a favor. Could they give me two or three hard boiled eggs in the shell? I'll be happy to pay for them. I share my plight and tell the server I figure I can take them back to my room with me and have a healthy breakfast after all. He agrees it sounds like a good plan and off he goes into the kitchen to see if it can be done. Yep. I'm set.

Midway through my meal a young man comes over to me and presents me with a small black box. Elegant, I'm thinking. "Your eggs, Ma'am," he says. I open the box and see three beautiful large white boiled eggs nestled carefully in the box. I thanked him and told him to thank the chef on my behalf.

Lovely presentation, I'm thinking. Delighted, I'm feeling, and can't wait to tell my group the next morning about this "going the extra mile" behavior. I love when things like that happen so I have fresh examples - it illustrates a point so well.

My alarm goes off at 6 and I look over at the box of eggs, sending silent appreciation for the fact that I got to sleep a little longer, not having to go down the block for breakfast. I prepare for my day, make a cup of tea and sit down to have my eggs. I crack open egg #1, peel back the white, and the yolk oozes out onto my hand - yechh! Strange, I'm thinking as I put it aside and crack open egg #2 - oh no - the creamy yellow yolk seeps out onto the pristine white napkins that just the night before had them nestled so safely. My mind races to determine, is it safe? Can one eat a less than hard boiled egg that has been sitting around since last night? I determine that it's better to be safe than sorry and open that third egg - you guessed it - soft boiled!

For a moment I was angry (not to mention hungry) and then I realized what a gift I had in my hands. What a perfect way to talk about well intentioned service that goes bad - what a perfect metaphor for what happens when we promise a customer something special (thereby raising their expectation) and then don't deliver. 

So down to the training room I went with my elegant little black box filled with gooey yellow yolks with a story that none of us will ever forget about what happens when we neglect to do it right in the first place, follow up thoroughly or otherwise we make promises we can't keep.

So here's a question for you this week. Where is your service soft boiled? Take a good look around - you may find out that your elegant black packaging is leaking somewhere.

All the best,


JoAnna Brandi is Publisher of the Customer Care Coach® a weekly training program on mastering "The Art and Science of Exquisite Customer Care." She is the author of "Winning at Customer Retention, 101 Ways to Keep 'em Happy, Keep 'em Loyal and Keep 'em Coming Back" and "Building Customer Loyalty - 21 Essential Elements in ACTION."

she is publisher of the bi-weekly Customer Care Tips Bulletin. To receive her free bi-weekly tips bulletin, sign up at www.returnonhappiness.com. You can also reach JoAnna at 561-279-0027 or e-mail joanna@customercarecoach.com.

Copyright 2010 by JoAnna Brandi. Used with permission.

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