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Ask Better Questions

Author: JoAnna Brandi

In another article, I shared with you my all time favorite question (You remember, don't you? It's "How have I created value today?"). Now I want to talk a little more about asking questions since it's such an integral part of how we teach here at the Customer Care Coach®. I love questions because of how they focus our attention. Did you know that the human brain will always search for the answer to a question? It's how we are programmed. That's why it's so important to ask empowering questions.


A few issues ago I shared with you my all time favorite question (You remember, don't you? It's "How have I created value today?"). Now I want to talk a little more about asking questions since it's such an integral part of how we teach here at the Customer Care Coach®. I love questions because of how they focus our attention. Did you know that the human brain will always search for the answer to a question? It's how we are programmed. That's why it's so important to ask empowering questions.


The human brain is so interesting!

Have you ever heard the sayings, "What you focus on grows?" or "What you think about you bring about?" There's truth behind them. Think about the last time you had your sights set on buying a new car. If you had a very specific color and model in mind, you may suddenly notice that this particular car is everywhere - whether you're in your neighborhood or on the highway.

We call this 'The Yellow Volkswagen Syndrome,' and consider it to be a powerful aspect of brain science. You see, when we turn our attention to any one thing we activate the part of our brain known as the 'Reticular Activating System.' (You can call it the "RAZ" for short.) This system works like an Internet search engine; your thoughts, along with the questions you ask yourself or that people ask of you, are the 'search words' that kick it into gear and tell it what to look for and focus on. In the case of someone who wants to buy a yellow Volkswagen, it causes him to see them everywhere. It seems the world fills up with yellow cars when you are looking to buy one! You can see the value of focusing on the things you want to attract, right? We trust you know what we mean!

At the Coach we love to ask questions to focus our attention in our own business, as well as the attention of clients who hire us to help them create effective customer loyalty initiatives. The trick is to ask the right questions, so that the brain looks for the best answers.

  • Why do customers buy from us?

  • What are customers really buying? (Hint, it's usually a state of mind of some sort.)

  • What keeps my customers up at night?

  • How might we improve our relationships with our suppliers, so they become our trusted advisors, and we can count on them more?

  • What can we do to make our company so attractive that the top talent will be lined up at our door wanting to get in?

  • How could we build on and magnify our strengths so our customers would all tell their friends about us?

Good questions, yes? While I was asking, I figured I'd ask you a few too, I'd love to know your answers.

What current issues are you dealing with in your business that you'd like to hear a little more about? What keeps you up at night? What burning business issues are on your mind and how can we help?

Ask better questions, get better answers. I tell it like this: If you look in the mirror and say "Why am I so fat?" The brain usually answers back with a response that is less than flattering or helpful. But if you look in the mirror and say, "In what ways might I make myself healthier, trimmer, and more flexible?" the brain comes back with a more useful and respectful answer. Today's leaders don't have all the answers - and they don't need to - what they need is some really good questions!

We'd love to hear what you have to say. Thanks!

JoAnna Brandi


A Speaker and consultant, she is publisher of the bi-weekly Customer Care Tips Bulletin. To receive her free bi-weekly tips bulletin, sign up at You can also reach JoAnna at 561-279-0027 or e-mail

Copyright 2005 by JoAnna Brandi. Used with permission.

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